Thread: Fiction: A Year with Jennifer
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Old 06-27-2012, 08:27 PM   #2
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The Slave Creed

The Slave Creed consists of three Pillars: Humility, Obedience and Gratitude. The slave must learn the Creed, understand its meaning and strive to internalize its teachings. Each Pillar is explained in detail below. The Pillars should be understood together, i.e. each Pillar complements and helps to explain the others.

The First Pillar: Humility

The first and foremost characteristic of a slave is humility. Humility consists of recognizing the absolute superiority of its Mistress and its own absolute inferiority. A slave must never look into the Mistress’s eyes directly, never speak unless spoken to and always hang its head in awe and shame in the Mistress’s presence. A slave must internalize the feeling of shame and its absolute worthlessness except as an object for use by Mistress. A slave must never refer to itself by “I” but always as “your slave” or more formally “your lowly slave”. A slave will never be referred to by its gender but only by the neutral “it”.

The Second Pillar: Obedience

The slave must have no greater desire than to please its Mistress. A slave pleases its Mistress by being obedient. A slave’s happiness is in satisfying, to the best of its ability, Mistress’s commands. All commands must be promptly obeyed without questioning. Obedience also consist of humbly accepting punishments and humiliations without judging if they are deserved. A slave should feel grateful if the Mistress is satisfied with a command obeyed and feel shame and degradation if the Mistress is dissatisfied. To obey all commands to best of its ability, the slave must strive to improve itself in all aspects the Mistress desires.

The Third Pillar: Gratitude

A slave must always be grateful to its Mistress for everything. It should acknowledge this by saying “Thank you Mistress” when the Mistress rewards it or even punishes it. The slave must not grudge any punishment the Mistress gives it but instead be thankful and grateful for giving it a chance to improve. The slave must thank the Mistress for the food she provides and any clothing she allows it to wear. If the Mistress commands the slave to serve her friends and guests it should be grateful for the opportunity and thank the Mistress. When the Mistress corrects the slave it should acknowledge it by apologizing in a self-degrading manner by prostrating in front of her and begging her to punish it.
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