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Old 03-25-2012, 04:22 AM   #1
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Default (private role play) Master little toy

I sighed as I lay on my bed in my room and relaxed. It was Sunday night and I was spending it relaxing by myself in my room. I really couldn't be bothered with school. I am the kinda girl who just drifts threw the halls the only time anyone who isn't my friend (or one of the people who I hate but they think they are my friends) is when I do something odd. Like when I first came on people noticed me as I am the only out lesbian in the school but other wise most people don't even know my name.

I am Lillian Pond or Lily. I am 16, 5'5 , pale skinned with short messy brown hair with a fringe that covers some of my big blue eyes. I have a 34 D chest. I am muscular with a little extra fat to make me look womanly. I have a nice big but well shaped ass. I am kinda odd and wear well anything that isn't a dress or a skirt. I am nromally in jeans and t shirts that are rather dark.

I spend a lot of time online mostly looking at stuff about my secret disier. You see I'm a secret TB/DL. I wanna wear diapers, act and be treated as a baby. I sleep with a teddy suck my thumb and have many sets of footy pjs. No one knows I sleep with a teddy or suck my thumb. My parents know about my pjs and are always teasing me about it. I also have a leaky bladder and always have stains on my panties.I have taken some pitures of my stain panties on my phone.

Speaking of witch I had a text. I opened my phone and read it. It was from a unknown number and said:

I know your secret

I tensed but then thought it was just one of my friends pulling a prank.I texed back:

Who is this and what secret?
Ask me anything

Likes: being made to feel like a little girl, embarrassment, rules and punishments.

What will embarrass me: accidents (pee and poop), being made to act little (AB dares), spanking , having privileges taken away from me and making a fool of me on the site.

What I will never do: illegal, public, family, friends, eating poop/ pee, cam/ pics, dangerous.

P.S. I don't have diapers so if anyone has good ways to make home made diapers please say.
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