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Old 02-02-2014, 09:53 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 336
Blog Entries: 2
Default Spank Bank Dare 2 - The Revenge of The Dice

Hi folks.
I dont know if you recall this thread:

That thread is pretty dead right now, but some ppl here always pm about it from time to time, so I decided to make a new one, with several improvements. lets say, it "looks like" but "its completely diferent".

Ok, lets go to it.

In the original dare... there was a new bank in town who was making spanks accounts, and the members here made accounts to make deposits. In fact, this bank got so many profits with the spanks it collected that now it is giving LOANS away.

So, lets say you have a dare where you will need to spank yourself 200 times, and you think you wont have time for this (it should be in public place and you dont want to get caught, or maybe right after you wake up, when you are just too lazy to spank... yeah, those things happens). Well, you dont want to do those spanks (or all of they): so you get a loan here in the bank and "pay" the spanks on your other dares with it. Lets say, you got one loan of 100 spanks on your right ass cheek and have to spank yourself for someone else 150 times on each cheek - you now only have to spank 50 times on RIGHT cheek (but still need to do the 150 on the left one).

The trick is (and there always a catch) is that you HAVE TO REPAY YOUR LOANS TO THE BANK. yes, all of they, and with interests and so on. DONT THINK THIS IS A GOOD DEAL - cos a 100 spanks loan may be turned into one 50.000 spanks to be repaied in several days

So, first thing here is to get a Loan

This is simple. You make a post here saying wich body part you want loan the spanks. The areas are like that: Right Ass Cheek (or RAC), Left Ass Cheek (or LAC), Right Tit, Left Tit, Right Foot Sole, Left Foot Sole, Cock and Balls (With Hard Dick), Cock and Balls (With a Soft Dick), Pussy (with lips opened), Pussy (with lips closed), Legs/Tighs and Asshole. If you want to choose another part, pls, be my guest.

You can make loans to any part you want, but you have to make loan of AT LEAST 3 BODY PARTS and AT LEAST ONE OF THEY MUST BE ONE ASS CHEEK.

The Loans

Now you choose the amount you want to loan to each part:
(choose wisely )
The amount you "receive" here can be used in other dares, as long the dare giver agrees with that.

1 - 150 spanks
2 - 200 Spanks
3 - 300 spanks
4 - 400 spanks (think twice before choose this one)
5 - 500 spanks (think 500 times before get this one. I mean it)

Notice you cant make 2 loans on same body part: you have to repay the loan for one body in order to make another loan on the same place.


This is the HARD part.
So, lets try it step by step:

A - First, you have to multiply the loan you made by 100.
(you made a loan of 150 spanks on RAC, 300 on Pussy and 200 on LAC. So, you multiply those numbers by 100, what gives you those numbers: RAC 15000, Pussy 30000 and LAC 20000)

B - roll a dice and check the list bellow what to do with those numbers:
(keep rolling and adding/doubling the numbers untill you get one "its done")
(you have to roll to each number/loan you have here)

1 - Double the number you have right now (with all adds) it and its done.
2 - Add 10000 to it and roll again
3 - Add 20000 to it and its done
4 - Add 5000 to it and roll again
5 - Add 15000 to it and its done
6 - Add 10000 to it and roll again.

THE FINAL NUMBER YOU GOT is the number of spanks you have to "repay" to the bank.

C - Now you have to start to repay your loan, little by little, spanking yourself in the course of the days (spanks on that body part you choose to make a loan ONLY. You cant repay Right Tit Loan by spanking the foot soles, no way). But wait, you cant get to confy with that: remember every loan has one interest rate: ours is like 0.5% to 3% a week, and every week I will post the rates here on this thread to you make your accounts (you only pay interests once a week, when week starts. Its not daily like in the other thread). Anyway, there are some special ocasions that the rates may get as high as 5% in a week or another, wharever... we are living close the apocalipse, and Fed are really crazy nowadays.

You shouldnt worry, though. Just be happy


After you calculated all the numbers of spanks you have to repay on all your loans, you can start to repay they back. Just spank yourself on the body parts you have to, and you can do this all the time you want/have avaiable. Dont forget to keep checking the Thread to see the interests you have to pay each week on every loan you have AND to keep the track yof your debits/payoffs of all your loans here on the thread - cos, reading the reports is what repay my job of crating dares, though Im a bank onwer, and dont need money in my life , i dont work for nuts :-)

As you can realize, this is to be one extreme long dare: you can end up with one loan of more than 80 thousand spanks to be repayed. So, it will take time to do it (and dont overdoo it everyday. lets be fair). To do the spanks you can choose the implement you like more and the position you will assume to be spanked, where you will do it, clothes, etc. BUT in some special weeks, some special rules may be applied for those stuff too, so keep one eye right here all the time.

Hope you have fun.
Im not slave and Im hetero. So I wont be dared nor dare males.

I dont dare minor ages. I dont do illegal stuff.
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