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Old 06-17-2012, 08:53 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: maryland
Posts: 424

1. Tell us about yourself. Who are you?
Me? Oh, of course you're talking about me. Well, I'm Madelyne, I'm 5'4", and a bundle of fun. I'm quite energetic, talkative, persuasive, and I'm quite a good debater. I'm nineteen years old, and am a submissive. While I've tried to be a switch, it just never works out. Oh well. I'm attracted to brains over braun any day, and in order to capture my attention, we have to have an intelligent conversation beforehand.

2. What have you used the site for during the time you've been a member?
Mostly for dares, however I have used the site for S/M, and activities of the like. That only just happened within the last two years though! I mostly asked for dares when I was younger, however I'm starting to get into them more.

3. How have you personally contributed to the website?
I add my thoughts to what has been posted. I often just add something to give extra thought to, or just my opinion. Sometimes I'll add a dare, or something like that.

4. Why should we select you as a moderator on
I think I would make a good moderator, because I've been here for years. Even though I'm not always on 100% of the time, when I am online I try to contribute. I think I have some leadership skills, and I would like to convey them. Plus I like helping people out, and I feel I could do that.

5. What is something really embarrassing about you that isn't publicly known?
Embarrassing? Oh god. Well there are plenty of embarrassing things about me. I honestly think the most embarrassing thing about me is that I can be plenty childish in ways. I am such an avid fan of Disney, and have most of the lines to The Lion King, and Beauty and the Beast memorized. Or the fact that when I got my period, I thought I was going to die and put band aids down there. :x Hey, I was 10, cut me some slack!

6. Do you think I'm a dickhead? Honest answers please. This is to test whether you will give in to peer pressure.

No, I don't think you're a dickhead. Although we've had our ups and downs, you're a genuine person. You try to do what in your mind is right, although it might not convey that way to others. Sometimes you can be aggravating, and I know I can be too, but no, you're not a dickhead. We've had many conversations, and you're quite entertaining, hahaha!

7. Can you put up with Pingu? Think about this one very carefully.
Of course. I love my Pingi! He's my friend, we don't really fight, plus he has a lovely nephew that I plan to eventually kidnap. <3 AYDEN IS MY BABY.

Last edited by Madelyne; 06-18-2012 at 10:35 AM.
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