Thread: Fiction: My Sister's Friends
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Old 12-02-2012, 08:08 AM   #64
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Well, it's been a long time. I hope there's still some interest in this.

Chapter 15

"Untie me!" I commanded, "This wasn't part of the dare!"

Sarah replied, "Actually, I said 'let us do whatever we want.' I think that includes letting your sister abuse you." Dakota, Rachel, and Brittany agreed with Sarah. Lindsay didn't say anything.

"But she's not even playing!" I protested. "I am now," answered Marie.

"Fine, whatever, just untie me already," I said. Sarah asked the rest of the girls, "Is everyone ready for that?" The girls all agreed that they were done with me and Sarah began to untie me. She rested her body on my chest as she untied my wrists. "Embarrassed?" she asked me personally. "What do you think?" I answered blushing. Sarah smiled at me. She wrapped her fingers around my dick and said, "Well, you shouldn't be." Then she got off me. I sat up and untied my ankles.

While Sarah was untying me, Brittany was explaining the rules of the game to Marie. She made sure to tell her all the player rules that had been added so far. "So no one's allowed to say truth?" asked Marie. "Yep," answered Brittany. Dakota took issue, "Wait, we don't have a rule about late joining. Shouldn't Marie have to do something since she's joining after everyone else has already had to do stuff?"

"You're right," I answered, "Marie needs a late joiners punishment. Brittany, since you made up this game, you get to decide what the punishment is."

Brittany thought for a second. "How about this?: Everyone gets to ask her "truth or dare?" and she has to take at least two dares." Everyone nodded except Marie. "I don't think you should be able to make up rules without rolling a six," she commented. "Well you're not playing yet so you don't get a say!" laughed Rachel, "So what's it going to be? Do you agree to the terms?"

"Fine," answered Marie, "who's up first?"
Read my story: My Sister's Friends

Last edited by FLCL; 12-02-2012 at 05:33 PM.
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