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Old 05-29-2016, 04:08 PM   #37
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Posts: 262

Chapter 21

Sophia woke up alone. She had cried herself to sleep the previous night; her ass still felt sore. However, that wasn’t the source of her tears. She couldn’t believe Alex, her lover and best friend, had done that to her. Then, even when it was all said and done, when Tina had brought the cane down for the last time, when Sophia had needed someone to cradle her, when she needed someone to care for her, to sooth her pain, Alex had abandoned her. She had untied her, sent her into their bed and then disappeared not to return.

Sophia looked at the clock; it was nine in the morning and Alex was yet to return and get ready. Sophia wondered what she’d be up to now, whether Alex was missing her as well, or whether the two of them were finished for good. ‘That fucking bitch’ she thought but not about Alex. It was a rage for Tina, the one who had beaten her, turned Alex against her and maybe ruined their relationship.

Thinking back though, the anger went towards Ken. If it wasn’t for him and his stupid attack, none of this mess would even have started. Alex had convinced her on the slavery but now she only wished to return to how they were before any of this had begun. A stray tear ran down her face; what had happened to her? Where was Alex? All Sophia knew is that she missed her lover and wanted nothing more than to find her in her arms once more.

Meanwhile only a few floors downstairs Alex did not wake up alone. She woke up next to the sleeping, naked form of Tina. They had spent the night sleeping in the master bedroom of the slaves flat. Alex smiled as she looked over the young girl’s naked form. Her eyes shifted to the end of the bed where all the technical equipment was still located. Tina thought it would be fun to record the first scene and watch it back together and Alex had to admit that she was right. It was even more arousing to then make love while the TV played the previous scene.

As her thoughts moved forwards, Alex let out a long, low sigh. She knew that she would have to make her way upstairs and talk to Sophia eventually; she was only delaying the inevitable fight. She knew there was still a love that she felt for her assistant, but it was now hiding behind a veil of disappointment, blurring it from vision. Sophia hadn’t been ready; she had pushed the girl too far and too early into this world. They had flown too close to the sun and got burnt as a result.

“What’s up?” Tina asked, sitting up in the bed and looking over the glum face. “Was there a problem last night?” Alex thought about what had happened when they had entered the room. There weren’t any problems with it. In fact, it was one of the best sessions of sex she’d ever been a part of.
“No problems. It’s Sophia,” Alex replied, “I just don’t know what to do about it. I feel this world isn’t for everybody, and maybe she isn’t ready to be part of it.” Tina nodded
“Look Alex. I may be new to this, but for the first time in my life I feel like I’m in the right place. Looking at you, I think you feel the same way. You need to talk to her and sort it for good, one way or another.” Tina stroked her hand over Alex’s thigh and smiled at her.
“You’re right. I need to make sure this doesn’t get out of hand. Thanks,” Alex said.
“No problem. Go and find her. You can fill me in on the details later… Mistress,” Tina stated. Alex laughed as Tina resumed her role as slave.
“You should be at work, it’s after nine. I’ll see you in the office soon. Oh, and tell Ken that I want him to take the day off to clean the two flats,” Alex ordered. She quickly got dressed and left the room.

Sophia had just finished her shower when the flat door opened. A stream of tears reformed down her face; she wasn’t ready to face Alex yet and certainly wasn’t ready to face whatever consequences it might bring. She quickly tried to brush away the drops from her face. She needed to look strong, appear as if she understood the previous night, and not show all her anger. However, the moment that Alex opened the bedroom door, Sophia broke down.

“Are you still crying? What do you want me to do? Cradle you and apologise. You know that you deserved what happened right,” Alex started upon seeing the upset Sophia. She hated seeing the girl so sad, but also felt that it was a massive overreaction.
“Damn it Alex, do you not realise what you’ve done? You made me feel worthless, like a piece of meat. Then when I needed you most, you disappeared to god knows where,” Sophia responded, her voice shaken and growing louder.

“I did what was necessary and you know it. You need to accept what happened and move on now, or you will never be ready to command a slave.” Tears streamed freely from Sophia now with Alex’s stern words.

“You don’t understand. I don’t want to have a slave; I don’t care about Ken, Tina or Sue. I just want to have you back in my life properly. I want us to be happy again and go back to how we were before this whole thing started, before Ken stupidly assaulted me. I thought I would enjoy having the three to boss around, and you persuaded me towards it. I wanted revenge on Ken and wanted to feel strong again and you gave me that.

“But now what are we doing it for. I’ve had sufficient revenge and I feel strong when it comes to that. I don’t need a slave anymore and I don’t need someone to boss around. What I need is my partner by my side, to hold me when I’m sad, to live our lives together and to love one another. All of this is too much for me I think and I want it to end. Do you honestly care more about them than you do about me?”

Alex stared at the emotional girl for a while in silence. What she said made sense and rang true, but it also wasn’t what was going to happen. “Sophia, you’re right. You aren’t quite ready for this world yet, but this is the world that I live in. I’ve always lived in this world and almost certainly always will. I care about you more than anything, but this isn’t going to end now,” Alex stated.
“But why can’t it?” Sophia asked pleadingly
Alex sighed. “Maybe one day you will understand and maybe one day you will be ready to embrace who I am entirely. Perhaps this life will grow on you, but until that moment I believe you should avoid it. For your own good.”

“What do you mean? All I want is to love you. All I want is for you to love me. Can’t this relationship be for two people and not five? We can leave it behind and be happy,” Sophia shakily said.
“I can’t leave it behind Soph, it’s who I am. However, it isn’t who you are. At least it’s not yet. I brought you into this too quickly and too steeply. For now, I think you need to take a break from this life. I think we need to take a break from us,” Alex stated, looking down at her feet.
“NO!” Sophia screamed, “Look at me!” Alex raised her eyes to meet Sophia’s and saw the swollen eyes and botched face. “We don’t need to, we can work it out. I can accept you and I’ll take a back seat in this stuff.”
“It isn’t that simple. I don’t want you around the slavery right now. I’m worried it will end up in more hurt and pain, and I really don’t want that to happen. I’m not saying that we’re finished and you know that I care for you. I’m saying that you need time away from this side of my life, and I need you away from it,” Alex explained.

“What if I don’t want to be away from it?” Sophia asked.
“That isn’t a choice I’m leaving in your hands, and I know what is best now,” Alex stated. “There are things you don’t understand. It’s not you it’s me.” Sophia stood up from the bed and with a crack she slapped Alex across the face.
“Everything you fucking put me through last night. Every fucking thing I thought about when I slept. I went through all of it for you, and you dare to throw lines like that at me. You fucking bitch Alex Friend,” Sophia shouted, spitting acid, her sadness turning to anger. Alex brought her hand up to feel the warmth of where the slap had stung. She knew better than to retaliate and watched as Sophia turned in anger from her.
“I’m going to the office. You can speak to me when you’ve calmed down. Stay here as long as you need for now,” Alex told her assistant before spinning around and storming from the room.

The minute that Alex had disappeared from the room Sophia screamed. She flung herself back down on the bed and pounded her fists into the covers. All she could think was how avoidable all of this was, how those three cunts of employees had just ruined her life. Sophia grabbed the pillows off the bed and launched them around the room. One collided with the dresser and sent the products everywhere. A mirror fell off the side table and cracked on the floor. In the chaos, she eventually collapsed on the bed, letting her tears run freely and falling into an intermittent sleep.

The door to the flat opened and Sophia sat up with a flash. “Alex?” She questioned quietly, praying that she might have had a change of heart and returned to her. When the bedroom door didn’t open Sophia became curious. She cautiously rose from the bed and made her way towards the living room. After opening the door quietly, she became surprised by what she saw. Ken was wandering around the room with his back to her, picking up rubbish and placing it into a bin bag he was carrying.

‘What the fuck is he doing here?’ Sophia thought to herself. She quietly approached him from behind, careful not to make a sound, and when she was within touching distance she grabbed him by the throat. Ken jumped and almost instinctively swung his fist in surprise. He sharply turned his head to see a distraught looking Sophia stood behind him. Her grip was tight but not strangling so he breathed and tried to calm himself.

“Why are you in the fucking flat bitch?” Sophia shouted at him.
“I’m sorry Miss Sophia, I didn’t realise you were still here. Miss Friend left me instructions to clean the two flats today and I was only obeying,” Ken replied, stammering and hoping to not upset this girl.
“Is that so? And did Miss Friend say anything about me?” Sophia sniped. Ken was scared. Sophia looked on the brink and something had clearly upset her. He didn’t want to say anything that might push her further.
“No Miss Sophia, I was just told the instructions by Tina,” Ken stammered.

At just the mention of Tina’s name, Sophia’s scowl grew further. So Alex hadn’t told Ken about their fight, hadn’t told him about Alex’s feelings towards her and her treatment of the slaves. Now this bitch that had ruined her relationship, that had tormented her and the disgusting prick that had been a pain at work for so long was stood before her. “Well, Kenny boy, it looks like you’ve got some new fucking orders now. Get your clothes off and get down on your hands and fucking knees.”

Ken glared into the dark eyes of Sophia. “But Miss Sophia, I’ve been given orders for the flat to be clean by the time Miss Friend returns,” Ken stated.
“Are you fucking questioning me bitch? Alex isn’t here and I am. Remember your role,” Sophia shouted. The aggression in Sophia’s voice scared Ken. She seemed out of control and the last thing he wanted was to face her wrath now.
“No Miss Sophia, but…” Ken started before being hit with a sharp slap to the face. He stumbled back in shock at being cut off so abruptly.
“No fucking buts, Kenny boy. Strip and hand and knees now or I’ll destroy you,” Sophia sternly ordered.

Ken didn’t want to risk pushing this girl any further. He thought it would be best to face whatever she wanted now and worry about it later. Right now though, he didn’t dare to disobey the fragile figure in front of him. He quickly discarded his clothes and dropped to the floor. Meanwhile Sophia turned to a table at the side of the room and took hold of a long PVC cane. She turned and held it in front of Ken’s face. “Recognise this?”
Ken nodded. “Yes Miss Sophia,” he replied.
“Where do you recognise it from Ken?” Sophia questioned.
“Tina used it to spank you last night Miss Sophia,” Ken answered.

“That’s right bitch, and now I’m going to show you how it felt,” Sophia stated. She made her way behind Ken and set herself. Ken was visibly shaking in fear as Sophia lined up her swing and pulled back hard.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The blows rained down upon Ken sharply and hard with no mercy. The strikes connected randomly to his ass with no pattern. Sophia was swinging without thought and just trying to inflict pain to the man in front of her. “AAAAHHHHHH” Ken screamed as the cane repeatedly came down on his flesh. The blows stung hard and the impacts nearly knocked him to the floor. It took all his strength to remain in position as Sophia continued her assault.
“That’s what I want Kenny. Scream for me bitch!” Sophia shouted. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The blows seemed endless and Ken started to realise that Sophia was starting to try and center her swings, attempting to target his balls swinging between his legs. The misses seemed to be frustrating her further and Ken knew it was only a matter of time before one of the blows firmly struck his hanging basket.

“Please Miss Sophia, please don’t hit my balls. It’ll hurt so much with that thing,” Ken begged hoping his pleading might make her a bit happier. Sophia stared at his shaking body but only anger made its way through.
“Don’t you fucking dare tell me what to do,” Sophia shouted at him, “In fact, I want you to take hold of your ballsack and hold your nuts out behind your ass. Make them an easy target for me bitch.”
Ken sent a pleading look back at Sophia but saw no hint of remorse. He dropped his head low to hide the fear and the water in his eyes, before reaching back, taking hold of his delicate testicles and holding them tentatively behind his body.

Sophia laughed at the predicament and seeing Ken forming his own fate. She brought back the cane again and swung low. CRACK! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH” Ken shrieked and crumbled to the floor. The cane had landed square on his two balls and stung beyond anything he could imagine. Sophia laughed again.
“You have 5 seconds to get back in position Kenny boy,” Sophia taunted. “5…” Ken shook himself to life, “…4…” Ken brought himself forcefully back to his knees. “…3…” He brought himself to all fours. “…2…” Ken gripped his aching sack and pulled it back behind him. CRACK! The second blow sent him screaming back to the floor. “AAAHHHH, FUCK!” Ken shouted out unable to hold it in. He felt as if Sophia had just ripped open his testicle.
Sophia giggled mercilessly at the flailing body. She brought the cane sharply down over the squirming man, beating his ass, back and thighs. Ken screams and shouts trying to squirm away as Sophia repeatedly brought the long cane down. She laughed with anger as each blow left a deep red line. Welts were forming across his ass where multiple blows had struck firmly.
“Pleasssseeeee Miss Sophia, I beg, I beg” Ken stammered as the assault continued. Sophia didn’t reply but only laughed. She paused leaving the teary Ken lying on the floor. She left to the kitchen to find what she needed.

When Sophia returned with a long piece of string Ken was still lying in the same crying state. She glared at his worthless body and felt no remorse, only more anger. He had caused this and brought this on himself. “Get back on your hands and knees bitch!” she ordered and Ken, scared about bringing more misery by disobeying, instantly responded by following her command.
Sophia reached forward, gripping his balls in her hand and pulling them back between his legs. She squeezed tightly causing Ken to groan in pain and discomfort. This only caused Sophia to giggle at the ease she could inflict misery on this pathetic excuse of a man. She took one end of the string and quickly proceeded to tie it tightly around the hanging testicles. She pulled the end of it back to her to where the office chair was located by the desk.

Sophia sat down in the chair and tied the other end of the string to the wheeled chair linking Ken’s testicles and her seat. “Now, my little bitch, I want you to pull me to the bedroom, chop chop,” Sophia commanded. Ken started to crawl towards the bedroom on the other side of the room and felt his balls tighten as they were pulled back by the string. He paused as the pain became intense, pulling his testicles hard back behind him. SMACK! Sophia brought the cane back down on his ass.
“Aahhhh!” Ken squealed as the sharp sting returned to his swollen ass. This bitch was mental; he couldn’t drag her all that way by his testicles. They’d rip off in the process, she was nuts. SMACK! SMACK!
“Come on bitch, we don’t have all day. Well we do, but I’d rather not take that long.”

The repeated blows of the cane made Ken try again. He pulled forward bringing agony to his sensitive items and eventually felt the chair begin to move slightly forward with the tight string. Ken knew he had to keep the chair’s momentum going to ease the pressure but on the carpet floor it was incredibly difficult. Sophia now had her full weight on the chair making it all the more troubling for the slave to do what was expected. As she felt the chair start to move it made her smile, seeing Ken put himself through that pain for something so pointless. “Faster bitch!” Sophia commanded, bringing the cane down again on his tender ass.

“Aahhhh,” Ken squealed again and pulled harder on the chair causing it to move more freely. In the process it pulled his balls back further and harder and he couldn’t help but cry in pain. The journey was only 15 feet but it felt like a marathon. His balls were going slightly purple as he pulled with all his effort to get this devil into the bedroom. He glanced back over his shoulder and saw Sophia revelling in his pain, laughing at every movement. Finally with one huge gasp and cry, with tears flowing down his cheek and putting all his effort into not screaming aloud, Ken pulled the bitch into the bedroom.

Once inside Sophia halted him, looking on with delight at the effect it had created on the man’s testicles. They had gone a deep purple with the restrictions on them and Ken had inflicted the majority of it on himself. “Well, that was fun, but maybe not the quickest travel method. I certainly feel that the driver should be punished as a result,” Sophia stated as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Ken’s eyes turned to instant fear. She’d just said punished; hadn’t he been punished enough now, wouldn’t he be allowed some rest, or at least to go back to his chores. He watched on as Sophia placed a small table by the edge of the bed before reaching into the bedside cabinet. Ken groaned as he saw what was in her hands, a pair of handcuffs. He knew he wasn’t out of the woods quite yet.

“P1 bitch,” Sophia ordered. Ken forced himself up onto his knees and placed his hands on top of his head. Sophia approached him and pulled his arms down behind his back. She quickly cuffed them in place before returning to face him. In her eyes was a mixture of excitement, anger and malice; she was completely ready to destroy the man in front of her.
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