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Old 12-22-2013, 11:19 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by ozzyvanhalenrox View Post
Roll the dice for each:

1)Hold it for 3 hours
2)Hold it for 3 1/2 hours
3)Hold it for 4 hours
4)Hold it for 4 1/2 hours
5)Hold it for 5 hours
6)Hold it for 5 hours and 30 minutes

1)Drink 3 cups every hour
2)Drink 4 cups every other hour
3)Drink 4 cups the first 3 hours
4)Drink 2 cups every other hour
5)Drink 5 cups every other hour
6)you choose out of the above choices

1)Push on bladder hard for 30 seconds every 30 mins(can't hold it in with hands or cross legs. If done drink 1 more cup)
2)Can't hold it in with hands and can't cross legs. If done drink 2 more cups.
3)Get an erection every 30 mins.
4)Drink a cup of coffee every hour in addition to amount of water you have to drink
5)Put a 20 pound weight on your bladder the whole time and push down on it every hour for 30 seconds
6)Barely start peeing in your pants the second hour and then stop and hold it for the remaining time

1)Don't change your clothes and drink 5 cups of water and wait until you pee your pants again.
2)Lick your pants once
3)Stay in your clothes for 8 hours and don't take them off even to pee or poop
4)None but you can't pee for 5 hours(easiest way is to sleep)
5)If you are a girl, when you are about to pee close your vagina with your hands and don't let any pee come out. then pee and don't let it come out. If you are a guy, get and erection and then pee while pushing your penis strait down.
6)You choose from the above choices

Have fun holding it and respond to how it turned out!!!!
I will have to hold it 5 1/2 hours, drinking four cups of water for each of the first 3 hours, plus an additional cup of coffe for each hour. If I don't make it, I will have to drink 5 glasses of water and stay in my soaked clothes until I accidentally pee myself again.

I started the dare at 12:30 so I'm an hour in. I made the drink requirement for the first hour, just barely drinking my last cup of water in time.

Before my date time started, I tried to make myself pee while in the shower, but couldn't which is a shame be because the last time I went was at 9 when I first woke and since had drank 16 oz of coffee. But, I couldn't get myself to go in time so 1 hour, 4 1/2 to go and I'm needing to use the toilet. I'm afraid I might leak soon.

To punish myself for not peeing before I am wearing a butt plug for the entire dare time and am wearing only underwear and a white tank top with no bra.

I will do more if anyone wants to add to this dare. No public or messy. I'm a good girl so I do as told.

Last edited by TheGoodGirl; 12-22-2013 at 11:21 AM.
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