Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Rent Free (R-18)
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Old 02-27-2015, 04:11 PM   #34
getDare Succubus
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Default Friday evening - Meet the Rat Pack I

Tommy Piccolo. Peter Lamont. Kyle Sangster. The Rat Pack. They were the best of friends, united by wealth and status. The only reason they went to public school was because their parents thought it would build character. Tina barely knew them, but she knew of them, and their reputation preceded them. Tommy was the wealthiest of the three, that is, his parents had the most money. Their mansion, several acres across, hosted two residences: The main house and the visitors suite. It was a well known fact that Tommy had the run of the visitor's house, and there were stories of parties held at that place which could put to shame college kids (considering most of the attendees were teenagers between 15 and 17).

It was Friday night. There was bound to be something happening. it was what Tina was hoping for. She had been invited once, but had declined, not because she didn't want to go, but because she had no money. She was carrying six hundred and ten dollars. She didn't feel so poor anymore.

Today, though, she had another reason for being there. Something she had heard a schoolmate, not so long ago in fact. She was hoping the rumor was true. Even if it wasn't, she was hoping it would work. Given what she had just agreed to do in the park with the other gang, she really didn't foresee any difficulties in carrying out this next portion of her idea.

Of course, it meant going to a place where she wasn't exactly invited.

Getting there, she spotted the many vehicles in the driveway. She had arrived on foot. It was a little past nine, and therefore still early. Tina walked up to the house. She recognized one or two faces from school, but most were unfamiliar. She walked past everyone and headed straight for the door. It was slightly ajar so she just pushed it open.

"Hello?" she called out.

Someone almost instantly appeared in the corridor, and she recognized him. Tommy. Tall, athletic, handsome, rich. He ran a hand through his black hair.

"Hello Tommy..."
"Waddefuck are you doing here?"

The question hung in mid-air. Tina could have played it cool, but she had decided to go all in from the first pitch.

"I'm here to... be your slave."

Tommy was shocked, but then his eyes illuminated as he understood what she meant.

"Well then," he replied, "come on in, Tina... let's talk."

She followed him inside, and he shut the door behind her.
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