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Old 11-25-2014, 01:00 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 257
Blog Entries: 2

1. How would your describe your perfect Sunday?
A long lie in with breakfast in bed. Doing some cooking and baking. Taking the dog for a long walk and coming back to a hot bath with a huge mug of tea and some freshly baked cake. A Sunday roast for dinner and early PJs with a film.

2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really. I believe in lust at first sight but you love a person not their looks. I do believe in gut instinct though. Like when I met Mumbles she was just a friend for about 2 months but I talked to her like noone else. We got super close and shared everything (Pact♡) and that was my gut telling me to stay close to her.

3. What is the sweetest thing somebody has ever done for you?
Mumbles arrived home from work early one day with wine and chocolates and we had the best night. That was super sweet.
Also my husband once filled my bedroom with helium balloons, 30 of them, and attached to each one was a reason why he loved me. Unbelievably romantic. I still have all the cards.

4. What is your favorite kind of ice cream?
Pooh Bear - aka Honeycomb

5. If you could choose to join one sitcom family, who would you choose, and why?
The Gellars!! Or The Goldsmiths!

6. Describe yourself in 5 words.

7. When is the last time you cried?
Sunday after leaving Mumbles to the airport. I have cried a little bit since then from missing her but that was full on breakdown crying.

8. What did you want to be when you grew up?
An actress.
If not a teacher or a surgeon.

9. What does your bedroom look like?
Girly. White and floral theme. Pinks and purples. Huge mirrored wardrobe. Double bed with dresser.

10. What kind of bedtime/sleeping ritual do you have?
At 945 roughly I put Mumbles to bed. Read her a bedtime story on Skype most nights and just talk to her the other nights. Then shes out most nights by 10pm. Then I go watch an hour of TV with my husband and we get in bed about 11/1130 and watch The Office in bed.

11. What was your favorite childhood story?
The three little pigs

12. Did you go to your high school senior prom?
I think our version of this is a formal! And yes I did! It was fun but messy.

13. What does your last txt message say?
"Love you Pumpkin xxxxx"

14. Do you sing in the shower?

15. Is there a certain song that makes you want to dance every time you hear it?
Jump in the line, Piece of me, I wanna dance with somebody, cotton eyed joe. Loads of songs make me dance.

16. Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate ♡

17. Who is your best getDare friend?
Mumbles of course. She's my girlfriend, slave and best friend. But apart from her as thats kinda cheating I dont think its a secret that JLstockton25 and Mandi are my friendship soulmates!!

18. Do you have any scars?
Above my lip from where I went over the handlebars of a bike and my tooth went through. And one on my bum.

19. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas definitely. I love the sparkle and the union of happiness it creates.

20. What are you wearing?
Ooohh saucy!
Jeans, black ankle socks, black underwear, black lacy bra, black jumper with pearl heart on the front and a black hairclip on the left side.
Mumbles is mine.
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