Thread: Fiction: The Village
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Old 08-10-2010, 09:37 AM   #10
Slenderman - Doctor
Truth or Dare Zealot
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 6,760

Part 3

It was the morning after the night before. No, wait, it wasn’t. Sorry.

It was the afternoon after the morning after the night before. The clock informed the girls of the time (2:05pm) and Kate said her farewells and headed off home, ready to pack her suitcase for her trip to Greece which would depart from the airport at 7pm that night. Always last minute, Kate. Bella waved her off and told her she wanted a postcard, before heading back upstairs to her domain.

bellathecarrot – her laptop password, if you want it. Not that you’ll be able to get on her laptop ‘coz she isn’t real and all that. But yeah.

After the increasingly irritating Windows start-up sound, she opened Control Panel and told it to fuck off. Then, to her usual routine. MSN, Facebook, Tumblr, Blogger, Digital Spy, and all in that order. Nothing interesting. These summer holidays were turning out to be quite a bore-fest. Most of her friends were on holiday whilst she was stuck at home, house-sitting whilst her parents were still out. Probably in some hotel somewhere having an unplanned break without informing their daughter. Sounded about right.

Back downstairs, she tootled into the kitchen to make a brew. Flick, boil, click, pour. One delicious coffee, made exactly how she liked it. Milk added before and after and precisely four teaspoon-turns of the drink. She slumped down into one of the chairs at the table and plonked her mug down on a placemat.

“Bored, bored, bored,” she thought to herself.

Now, usually, after that sort of statement in a story, you’d expect a plot twist or you’d expect for something exciting to happen.

Well, it didn’t.

She sat there, bored out of her brains, casually flicking through the TV magazine but to no avail. Nothing was on. Everything was cack. Home-makeover shows, cookery tips, repeats of soaps, yadda, yadda. She even delved into the CBBC listings but all the kiddy shows were shit too.

“Whatever happened to kid’s TV?” Bella thought as she took another sip. She sighed a long, wistful, drawn-out, heavy, yawn-inducing sigh and flung the magazine back on the stool beside her. Then, suddenly, she sighed another long, wistful, drawn-out, heavy, yawn-inducing sigh.


Sorry, just wanted to throw some onomatopoeia in there for dramatic effect. In reality, she just sighed another long, wistful, drawn-out, heavy, yawn-inducing sigh.

(You’re still expecting something exciting to happen, aren’t you? Poor sod.)
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