Thread: Balls of Steel
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Old 02-20-2012, 04:04 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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The IRL Troll
This works best if you know or have some kind of insight into people who you know will get ticked off easily/will be a good target. Therefore this dare should preferably be performed in school, a work place and not to the general public (unless you want to boost the difficultly level - You never know if the pubic will take your jokes badly or be a poor victim). You should try your best to cause havoc over insignificant issues, such as a wet floor sign. Your aim is to get as many people involved as possible and eventually when the havoc has elevated perform a full on rage quit. Scream and stomp away from the vicinity.

The Developer
This is a personal favourite, in public you must start to develop a weird habit - ONLY do this when you know you have an audience, such as talking to a shop assistant or a teacher. You could get a weird eye twitch/wink, a sniffle, a entire body shiver, Be creative. The key to this dare is to make sure you appear to have no habits when you start the interaction and to slowly increase the placement within conversation so that at the end of the conversation you cannot last a few words without performing your habit. Extra points if you make the person mimic you or feel uncomfortable.

Sorry Doctor I just HAD to add to this, hope you don't mind I tried to keep the quality as good as yours therefore only added two but I absolutely love these.


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