Thread: Fiction: The Dolls' House 2
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Old 01-06-2015, 05:11 AM   #20
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Default Chapter 71



Thursday 12th June 1919

“L... E... T... M...” Meredith whispered as the planchette moved slowly from letter to letter.
Edward raised his eyebrows. Very little had happened so far and he was getting bored. He was only here to be close to Mary.

All participants had an index finger on the pointer. Edward’s finger was brushing Mary’s beautiful digit.

“You’re pushing it, Merry,” Alice complained to Meredith.

“Am not,” Meredith said.

“Be quiet,” Edward said.

“E... I... N...” Meredith continued, as the planchette continued on its journey around the board.

“Ein,” Alice said, “Isn’t that German for something?”

Following the end of the Great War, there was very little love towards the Germans in this household and, indeed, in the country.

“It’s not ein,” Edward said.

“What?” Meredith asked.

“It was L... E... T... M... E... I... N,” Edward confirmed. “Let me in.” Edward snatched his hand away from the planchette. “Stop now,” he ordered. “I’m going top bed.”

Edward stood up and hurried to the door of Meredith’s room. He paused and half-turned his head. “Put the board away,” he said, “And not a word about this to mother.” He left the room and headed back to the relative comfort of his own room.

He sat on his bed, trembling. Surely Meredith had been pushing the planchette, the pondered. She was trying to scare him. That was why she had asked him to join them They had all planned it.

Even so, he was shaking. Those three words ‘let me in’ may not have seemed like much but he knew the consequences of messing about with the Ouija board. He lay back on his bed and thought about Mary. He still had a state of arousal from sitting next to her.

He would give anything to make love with her but he knew he had no chance with her. HE began to expose his penis to relieve himself of his arousal. As he began to masturbate, he thought about his young cousin.

I just wish Mary would allow me to take her to bed, he thought to himself, I would give anything to be able to make love with her just once.

He knew it wouldn’t happen, though. He knew that, like the rest of his family, Mary was a very devout Christian girl and she was very adamant that she was going to save herself for her wedding night.

Edward closed his eyes and, as he masturbated, he continued to think about Mary.


Edward opened his eyes again. There was no-one there; he must have been imagining it. He closed his eyes again and continued to masturbate.


He opened his eyes again.

Something flickered near the far wall. He looked up at it, squinting, trying to make it out. It was some sort of light emission, that much he could see., and it appeared to be taking some sort of form, a shape he couldn’t discern.

“Edward?” It was a rasping voice but Edward still couldn’t make out where it was coming from.

As the shape solidified, Edward began to make out specific features but he was certain that they were not human features, even though the figure materialising in front of him was a humanoid form.


Edward was certain now that the voice was coming from the figure in front of him but it was in his head.

“Yes?” Edward replied.

“You will give anything?” the voice seemed to say.

“What?” Edward was confused.

“You were adamant that you would give anything if you could make love with that young girl just once,” the voice said.

“Mary?” Edward said, “Yes.” Despite his cousin’s young age, he so much wanted to make love with her.

“Then you shall,” the voice said, “But, in return, you bequeath to me your soul and you must offer me virgins.”

Edward was not sure what the voice meant.

“You shall get your wish, Edward, but you shall be my acolyte for the rest of eternity.”

Yes, Edward thought, of course. He knew it was not going to happen. Mary would never succumb to him.

There was the sound of soft footsteps on the landing outside his door.

The figure began to dematerialise. “I shall return, Edward,” the fading figure said, “The contract is sealed.”

There was a knock on his bedroom door and it opened.

Edward quickly scrambled to put his penis away. “Yes?” he said, as Mary stepped inside.

She wore a long dress which did its best to disguise her figure. “Edward?” she said quietly, “I need you.”

“What’s wrong?” Edward said, sitting up in bed. “Is anything...?”

Mary silenced him by putting her index finger to her lips. She closed the door and turned the key in the lock. She unfastened her dress and took it off. “Make love to me, Edward,” she said, as she unashamedly undressed in front of the astonished boy.

“Mary,” Edward said, “Put your clothes back on.” He couldn’t believe he was saying it.

Mary ignored him and, within minutes, she was standing naked in front of him. She approached the bed and they made love for over an hour in several different positions. Edward didn’t seem to exhaust himself.

Afterwards, Mary put her lips to his ear and whispered, “This must never happen again.”

“Of course,” Edward said, “I understand.”

Mary climbed out from underneath the covers ad put her clothes back on. She exited the room and went back downstairs.

Edward could not believe what had just happened. Had he really made love to his cousin Mary or had it been a dream?

What was that... thing he saw?

The light appeared again. This time it hovered above him like a cloud.

Edward heard the voice in his head again. “I kept my part of the contract. Now, you will keep yours. Your soul is mine for eternity...”

Edward listened to the voice’s ranting and he decided that it was just a dream. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

“Edward, you will provide me with virgins,” the voice said in his head as he slept, “Your sister Meredith will be the first.”

Edward slept on. It was all a dream and he would soon awaken.

To be continued...
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