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Old 11-25-2010, 06:25 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by deschut View Post
Ok, I dare you to find a large department store, which has a (a) shoe-department, (b) clothes department, (c) toilet-area, (d) elevator and these have to be spread over different floors.

1.) Get into the dressing rooms, and check how many emty stalls there are. Count the amount, and enter one of the rooms and close the curtain. Now remove that amount of clothes. Now get into the store to get a shirt / jeans, to fit on and get back into your outfit

2.) Find a quiet dressing room, without someone 'guarding' it, and in each empty room remove one item, then run back to get your clothes back on.

3.) At a quiet moment, get into the elevator. Go up and down from the 1st floor to the top floor continously until someone enters. Add the numbers of the floor the person enters (e.g. 0) and exits (e.g. 4) up
(in the example 0+4=4) and remove that amount of clothes - now go to the ground floor, close the foor, and exit on the top floor!

The above two are not really that long term, so here's the more long term suggestion ;-)
- Walk towards the shoe-department, and remove your panties and stuff them in a shoebox that you can easily remember
- Now move to the clothes-area, and at the lingerie area get your bra off and place it back in a rack with similar coloured clothes.
- Now go to the toilet area and in each toilet remove one item of clothes. Get into the last stall, and edge once. Then hurry back to get your outfit from all the earlier places you've left items! :-)
1 and 2 and 3 ill do
4 ill do, with a slight variation - Ill put my skirt into a shoebox instead of my panties, then ill wait in the toilet for about 10 minutes before i go get them back

Keep them coming, i edited the blog ill be doing updates in onto my first post!
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