Thread: Fiction: The Sleepover Club
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Old 09-06-2010, 09:30 AM   #38
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Chicago
Posts: 78
Default Chapter 16

We all assembled at Brianna’s a little before eight on December thirty-first. We talked to her parents pleasantly and they left for their party. We all looked at each other with nerves atwitter. Our two guests could sense the tension. We all knew the basics of what was coming, but they only had the foggiest notion. It would be interesting to see how they took it. We went downstairs into the family room. At the far end of the room on the pool table was a game board laid out. Bridget is a very good artist and had produced a professional looking game board for our strip game. It didn’t really matter, because I knew we would be naked in half an hour. I just hoped that I wouldn’t be the scapegoat this time.

We rolled to see who would go first and Molly won. The first few rolls were less than exciting. Most of those who got trivia questions missed them and it cost them money, but no one lost any clothes. On the third time around the excitement started. Rachel rolled a six and hit the “Strip Anyone You Want” space. Without a pause she looked straight at Brianna and chose her. She rolled the die again and got another six. Brianna groaned. Even though she had a sweater on, she had to strip all the way, because she had no socks. The game was barley underway and Brianna was history.

The game continued. Most players were out of money. Each time a trivia space was hit was almost a certain loss of clothes. Only Colleen, Rachel, and Bridget managed to get questions correct. Colleen got the only two correct that she had to answer. Moreover the two dare spaces she hit were easy dares, and she completed then easily. Out of the eight of us, she was the only one still fully clothed. Then she got even luckier and hit the “Strip Anyone You Want” space. Colleen glanced at me and I could see what was coming. My eyes pleaded with her to no avail. She chose me and rolled the die again. It was only a ‘2’, but that was enough, as I was down to just my jeans and boxers. I got cheers as I took them off and went over to sit with Brianna.

With each successive loss of clothes, Kristy was getting more and more nervous. At this point in the game she sat in just her panties and bra. Unlike the rest of the girls, she wasn’t wearing a thong. She revealed later that she did that on purpose to delay showing anything too soon. Each time it was her turn to roll, she took longer and longer. Now she had to roll again and she kept rolling the die back and forth in her hand. Since she was a guest, we didn’t get on her too harshly, but people were beginning to get impatient. Finally she rolled and ended up on a dare space. Slowly she drew a card from the deck and brought it up to her face to scan. Even more haltingly she read, “You must pick another player to tickle you for thirty seconds. You must not laugh, or even smile, for the entire thirty seconds. If you succeed, you not only keep your clothes, you win another piece back. But if you lose, all is lost, and you are out of the game.”

Kristy quickly chose her friend Libby, as much because she wasn’t a stranger as for any other reason. She might also have hoped that Libby would go easy on her. Little did she know that we never went easy on each other. We had no idea how Kristy would do. We didn’t know how ticklish she was. Libby had Kristy lie on the floor with her arms and legs spread apart. She started out slowly on her ribs. Kristy shuddered, but she kept a straight face. It looked as if she was very ticklish and this would be a real trial. Libby worked her ribs and underarms quickly, but it looked as if Kristy would survive. With just several seconds left, Libby switched her attack to Kristy’s inner thighs. That caught her by surprise and she whooped with laughter. The group cheered and Kristy turned red in embarrassment.

“I told Libby I could do this, but now I don’t know if I can,” Kristy whimpered.

Brian consoled her. “If you really can’t, it’s all right. We won’t think anything bad about you. But we’ve all been where you are, and we still get embarrassed. The hard thing is that we’re all old friends, and you are new to us.”

Libby added, “Brian’s right. No one’s asking you to do anything that they haven’t done or wouldn’t do. I was really scared the first time I had to strip completely. Now we all get nervous when we first have to strip; then we’re comfortable after a while. Remember that in about fifteen minutes, everyone in this room will be naked.”

Kristy raised her eyes and looked around at us. We were doing our best to be supportive. I think she could sense that. Slowly she reached around behind her back and unhooked her bra. Very deliberately she lowered it to reveal two very well-formed breasts with large nipples. Reflexively she covered them with her arms. But then with no encouragement from us, she pulled her arms away and grinned a very sheepish smile. She got a round of applause from all of us. Kristy paused briefly and began to lower her panties. Twice she paused. Had she been less than a newcomer, I would have sworn she was trying to tease Brian and me. It was clear from the look on her face that she was just nervous. Finally there was a tuft of auburn hair that appeared over the top of her panties. Then with a quick jerk she pulled them all the way off. Once more her reflexes took over as she almost bent double at the waist. Then to a great cheer she smiled and straightened up. Kristy carefully walked over to the couch where Brianna and I were sitting and joined us. Brianna slid to the middle so Kristy didn’t have to sit next to a naked boy.

All eyes returned to the game. The next and last mystery was how Jeannie would take it when fate befell her. At that point in the game, she still retained all her underwear and her jeans. She was in pretty good shape. Before she even lost another piece of clothing, Brian, Bridget, and Rachel missed trivia questions and lost their underpants. Colleen still had all her clothes, but Libby and Molly were only in bra and thong. Libby rolled next and landed on a “Go to Jail” space. The cost to get out was determined by a roll of the die. She rolled a ‘3’. That ended her association with her clothes and she joined the other nudes on the sidelines.

Molly rolled next and hit a dare space. She drew a card and read it aloud. “Roll the die and multiply by ten. Let the biggest person in the group paddle you that many times. If you chicken out, you lose all your clothes.” Molly rolled a SIX! “Oh! No!” She cried. “I’d rather be bare than have a sore ass.” Quickly she stripped and danced away from the table.

Now only Colleen and Jeannie were left in the game. Colleen’s luck continued. She landed on a dare space. The card said, “Hop on one leg to the other end of the room and back.” Colleen did that easily. Now Jeannie rolled and got a trivia space. The card asked her to name the three great guitarists that had played with Led Zeppelin. She got Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page, but forgot Robert Plant. That cost her her jeans. Then Colleen rolled her turn. Once more she landed on the “Strip Anyone You Want” space. When she rolled a four, it was all over for Jeannie. All eyes were on her to see how she would handle it. She got a gleam in her eye and walked right over as close to Brian and me as she could. She proceeded to do an incredibly teasing performance as she shed her undergarments. Our cocks rose and our faces blushed, while all the girls laughed.

Colleen was now the only clothed person left. Brianna looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 8:30. “We don’t have time to wait for her to finish the game. LET’S GET HER!” Colleen tried to get out the sliding door to the backyard, but hands grabbed her before she could get through. She was only wearing flip-flops, so those came off easily. People held her hands, while others undid her pants and unbuttoned her top. Quickly she was down to her underwear. Just as quickly her bra was undone and her thong slid off her legs. Now we were all naked and it was time for my game.
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