Thread: The Experiment
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Old 02-18-2009, 09:03 PM   #8
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Part III

Jackie settled into her room and found, like represented, it was truly luxurious. She reflected on the events of the day so far. Rachel and Dr. Jones seemed nice. The documents that she had to sign seemed very complicated to the teen because she had no experience with ever signing a legal document herself. That was something grown ups did. But, she thought, "I guess I am a grown up now." She looked at the copies of the documents she was given and read them in more detail than she did before. Permission to conduct an experiment on her, acknowledgement that she would have parts of her body exposed, acknowledgement that there would be pain involved, permission for the experimenters to inflict pain on her, permission to have her photographed and videoed, "wowsa! What am I getting into?"

Jackie heard a knock on the door. Rachel announced dinner. Jackie, Rachel, and Miriam Jones had a very nice dinner of roast chicken, salad, and vegetables. After helping to clear the table Rachel excused herself while Miriam and Jackie sat in the parlor. "Are you nervous dear?" asked Miriam, a very shapely 40-something. "I am a bit" replied Jackie. "All of this is a bit overwhelming. I'm not so worried about the pleasure part or even the pain, but I do worry about having my body exposed. I'm not particularly modest and wear minis and bikinis, but I've never been exposed in front of anyone before." Miriam was quick to respond. "Don't worry Jackie. Reg and his team are very professional. I'm sure you've had a physical at the doctor's office before. You'll be fine. You really should make sure you get some rest tonight. Tomorrow will be very strenuous on you." Jackie finished her pie and excused herself.

Jackie returned to her room, sat on the bed and turned on the TV. It was only 7:30 and there was no way she could go to sleep no matter how busy tomorrow would be. With 2 hours of daylight left she put on her sundress and flip flops and decided to take a walk around the lake. She stood on the porch and turned toward the lake. She looked a the large white "barn" where she understood the experiments took place. Across from the lake she saw some low cabins and thought "they must be part of the old camp." As she approached the cabins Jackie heard talking and laughing. As she turned the corner onto the lakeside road, she saw a group of people sitting on the small porch in front. She recognized Rachel who called out "Hi Jackie, come on over." Jackie sauntered over to the porch and said "Hi!" Rachel introduced Jackie to the group. "Jackie," she said, "let me introduce you. This is Bryan and Will, and sitting over there are Deanna, Dina, and Sam. Bryan and Will are graduate students in psychology who will be working with the professor and me. The others are only undergrads who work for the department," she giggled. They were all drinking beer and laughing. "Hi" said Jackie. "Want a beer" asked Rachel. Will quickly objected. "Rachel, she's only 18!" Rachel replied "don't be such a tight ass Will. Sam, Deanna and Dina are all undergrads and all underage." Rachel handed Jackie a beer. Jackie was a bit surprised at the relaxed attitude of the group. Having grown up in a Christian house and going to a Christian school she wasn't at all a drinker except for that one time on New Year's Eve when her father let her have a glass of Champagne. "So Jackie, you're going to be a freshman this year?" asked Will. "Yes," she responded. "I"ll be starting here at State for the fall semester." "Well then," Bryan chimed in, "we'll probably be seeing a lot of us all over the next few years. Will will be getting his Ph.D. in the spring, Rachel and I still have 2 years to go, and the kids are all sophomores." Deanna threw her beer can at Bryan. "Who's a kid you creep?" Everybody laughed. Will threw another beer to Deanna and one to Jackie. "You might as well have another too" he said. Jackie quickly finished the first beer and opened the second. The group sat there joking and fooling around and drinking beer. Midway through Jackie's 4th beer she noticed it was getting dark. Not being used to alcohol she was getting comfortable with the group and being just as silly and chatty and the others. Dina stood up and said "It looks dark enough, who wants to go swimming?" Rachel said "is sure is hot enough, why not?" The others agreed. Deanna looked at a silent Jackie and asked "are you in?" Jackie responded "I'd love to but I didn't bring a swimsuit." The group laughed. "What's so funny?" Jackie naively asked. Dina answered for the group "You don't need a swimsuit. We skinny-dip when we're at the lake." Jackie blushed as she said "I couldn't do THAT, I'd be too embarrassed." The group laughed again. It was Will's turn to respond. "If you're too embarrassed to skinny dip in the dark, how are you going to feel tomorrow when we'll all get to know every square inch of you!" The group laughed yet again. "I don't understand" Jackie yelled as the group walked down the road. "Don't worry Jackie, I'll hang out with you. I don't feel like swimming anyway." Jackie turned to see Sam standing in the shadow of the porch. "Do you want to take a walk?" he asked. Jackie nodded yes.

Sam directed Jackie in a direction away from the swimmers. It was a warm night but a slight breeze was beginning. "Cold?" asked Sam. "No, it actually feels good. Sam, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure Jackie, what's up?" "What did Will mean when he said everyone would know every square inch of me?" Jackie asked sheepishly. Will waited a moment and asked "Jackie, do you know what's going to happen tomorrow?" Jackie nodded yes and said "I read the brochure and talked to Reg and Rachel. I'm going to have pleasure and pain and my reaction will be monitored." "No" said Sam, "do you know how it's done?" Jackie said that she understood which were the most sensitive parts of a human body but she still didn't get the reference to "every square inch." Sam continued "but do you know how it's done?" Jackie answered "apparently not. Can you tell me?" Sam hesitated. "Well we're not really supposed to talk about it because they think the surprise adds an element of mental anguish but since you don't seem to know.....Jackie, you will be pretty much naked all day tomorrow. We'll start at about 9 am and end at around 6. They'll let you put a robe on for lunch, but other than that, you're naked." "Naked?" said Jackie. "Completely naked?" "Yes," said Sam. "What did you think? How did you think they would get to the sensitive parts?" Jackie thought a minute. "I guess I thought I'd be covered. You know, like when you go to the doctor's and you are given an exam gown." "Well that's not how they do it" said Sam. "Do you think that's going to be a problem for you?" "I don't know" responded Jackie. "I've never been naked in front of strangers before. And never in front of boys. Will you see me naked all day Sam?" Sam answered "yes. But don't worry. I've been through about 20 of these. Most of the subjects have a problem with being naked. Almost every cries at first. You will get used to it." Jackie then asked "Sam, what's the role of you and the other undergrads?" Sam explained that the twins where there to record the experiment with video and still cameras and explained his role. "I have a dual role. I operate the sensors that measure your heart rate, respiration rate, body temperature, etc. In addition, I set up the equipment and make sure that you are safe when you are on it." Jackie's confusion wasn't helped by the beer she consumed. "Sensors? Equipment? What doe that mean?" Sam got all technical. "There are some sensors that doc invented that are attached on the skin various parts of your body. The data is transmitted electronically to a computer that records this information. The equipment that I'm talking about is like various tables and devices that you are attached to for the "ordeals" a that are part of the experiment." "Ordeals?" asked Jackie. "Yeah," said Sam. "That's what they call the various ways they apply pleasure and pain." "Oh," said Jackie. "Hey, I think I need to go back to my room. All that beer is making me need to pee." "Yeah, me too" said Sam. "Hey, we don't need to go back. I have the keys to the lab in the barn, we can use the bathroom there. I can also show the the equipment. But you have to promise you won't tell anyone because I can get in trouble. They really like this stuff to be a surprise." The couple walked around the barn and entered through a side door.
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