Thread: [R18+] [FICTION] Prison Island
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Old 11-15-2014, 03:50 AM   #20
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Chapter 19

"Is it okay if i ask you something?" Ruby said looking up at the bed above her where Kate was.
  "Sure. What is it?"
  "Have you ever had a dream or something about your past after you arrived here?"
  "Uh, no. Not that i know of. I mean, its not like i'd remember it to be my past anyway since they wiped my memory."
Ruby was silent for a minute trying to think of how to proceed. "Well, last night i had this dream. And it seemed pretty real to me."
  "What was it about?" Kate asked, poking her head down from her bed.
  "I was in a hospital i believe, and there was this woman, who i guess was my mom talking to a man, most likely a doctor. It was hard to hear what the woman was saying, but in the end the doctor suggested something."
  "Suggested what?"
  "Well, he said something to the woman about sending me away for a while, like it was some form of rehabilitation or something. I mean, that sounds a lot like it could be this place don't you think?"
  Kate pulled her head back up and was silent for a few seconds. "Hmm, you sure it's not just some crazy dream? I mean... This is a prison, but i don't think we are being rehabilitated or anything like that. Everyone i've talked to since i arrived here, none of them have ever had any dreams or flashbacks or anything like that. Why would you, who just arrived here, have a memory of your past all of a sudden.
  "I dunno. But it just felt so real..."
They both laid silent for a few minutes until Kate spoke again. "Well, make sure to tell me if you have any more of these dreams of yours, ok?"
  "Sure thing." Ruby said before changing the topic. "So, do you know anything about tomorrow morning? Apparently the warden is having some kind of announcement."
  "All i know is that i haven't received a list of people to take to my work station, which usually means that we have a gathering outside the next morning. But no, i don't know what it's about."
  "I see." Ruby said just as the lights went off. The night had come sooner than she would have thought so they had to end their conversation there. Next morning they would find out what it was all about anyway.
Ruby spent a long time falling asleep that night, still thinking about her dream, hoping she would have another one. Sleep came eventually, but no dreams.
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