Thread: Fiction: The Facility [MxM]
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Old 09-02-2014, 11:04 AM   #6
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Post Chapter 3: The Trial

First of all, I would like to thank you for all the feedback. It's always nice for an author to receive compliments and criticism alike .
On the other hand, here's the last introductory chapter of the story. After this I'll let my imagination go amok! Enjoy!

James never knew there was going to be a trial. The more time he spent in his temporary cell the less he knew what was going on. At some point in his confinement, he was given a drug that made him feel nothing, drained completely of any emotion whatsoever. He struggled away from the man with the syringe. After the shot, James didn’t care anymore. They came in some more times after that to give him more shots, and James, instead of fighting them, willingly shook his naked butt in front of them. He just couldn’t understand what was going on anymore, and more importantly, he didn’t care.

He woke up to the sound of his cell door opening. The doctor who examined James a couple of days ago, if not weeks, was now wearing a regular policeman outfit.
“Get up. Your trial begins in five minutes. Bend over.”

James obeyed without a second thought. Why am I doing everything he says?

The doctor applied the humbler to the boy, tightly cuffing his balls, and pointed at a cart outside the cell. James shuffled his way over there, once again completely embarrassed and helpless. Once on the cart, the “doctor” cuffed his wrists and ankles to the cart. James heard a pattern of sounds, presumably from somewhere behind him, and the cart started to move by itself. It drove at a blinding speed through a maze of corridors, which made it physically impossible to remember the way.

Eventually the cart stopped at what looked like a long corridor full of other people on carts. There seemed to be about fifteen people in front of him, each in the same predicament as James. Some even had something lodged in their anuses. James’s cart stopped right at the rear of another prisoner. He was literally inches away from his nice pair of testicles. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about this? he thought. Were the drugs making him horny? James decided to look at the guy's face instead. The boy, no older than fifteen, was looking from side to side, trying to fully grasp the situation he was in. His eyes were bloodshot and a look of worry contorted his face. Then he turned his head back to give James a sideways glance, and before James could reply the kid’s cart zoomed off somewhere to the right. His cart then pulled up to the next person in line. He looked to the right to see wall just inches away. What sort of technology is this?

After about a half hour of being on all fours, the cart once again gained motion. This time it took James through huge rooms with nothing in them. In a blink of an eye, he was in a round and beautifully furnished courtroom. He was right in the middle, and all around him were rows of people in black suits. All of them had their eyes on him; the intimidation was suicidal. Nevertheless, despite the atmosphere in the room, James had only one question: where are his parents? Surely they would’ve come to save him, to vow for his innocence, but they weren’t here. In fact, not even Mr. Sanders was here. He couldn’t have missed a chance to punish a pupil, especially for breaking into his home?

Do they even know I’m being put to trial? Does anyone even know where I am? The questions flooded James’s brain. He started to feel…hysterical, but not he was feeling something! His senses were slowly regaining sharpness, and overall he felt stronger, but not strong enough to break out of his restrains. Wait for the moment, his conscious whispered. Just then, the person with an asinine face in front of him started speaking.

“Prisoner 363874, you are being accused of committing a crime, stated as follows: breaking into a home of the school principal and stealing these items…” the judge started listing off all the items, but something was wrong. The list was much bigger than the stuff that they and Derek stole, unless…

Unless Derek came back and took even more stuff! James couldn’t contain his happiness at the thought. However, his euphoria was cut short by the nasal voice of the judge.

“Does the suspect have any evidence as to counter these allegations?” the judge raised an eyebrow and looked at the boy with amusement.

“Of course not,” the judge answered himself and expulsed a putrid laugh from his fat mouth. “You are hereby sentenced to serve in the correctional facility for the mentally unsafe for an undetermined amount of time, effective immediately. Guards, please put a seal on the prisoner and escort him to his new home.”

One of the guards took a shiny metal object from a table in front of James, which looked like a big metal bullet. On the underside were the numbers 363874 in red print. James knew what he was going to do. He saw a couple of prisoners already “wearing” it. The guard dipped his fingers in a small can of clear liquid and walked behind the new prisoner. James closed his eyes as the cool substance was coated onto his rosebud, and then cringed as the fingers protruded inside of him. He then felt the even colder object trying to force his way inside him, and he let out a moan as his clenched hole gave way.

Another guard came up to James with a red marker and wrote his numbers on the right buttcheek, the sides of his torso and forehead. James now felt completely stripped of all dignity, and felt a feeling of …submission. The guard who was in charge of the buttplug tapped it two times, and James felt a liquid enter inside his intestines. The cart was once again on the move, this time back the way it came from. As the cart made its way outside, the last thing James remembered was seeing an enormous black building looming over the whole sky, big enough to consume the moonlight and the whole world around it.
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