Thread: Fiction: The Field Trip
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Old 08-11-2014, 05:58 AM   #14
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Default Part 7

Part 7

The coach pulled up in a narrow road and Mr Carson attempted to get the pupils off fairly quickly.

“Try and be quick,” Mr Carson shouted, “And make sure you have everything. The coach will not return until about two fort-five at the earliest. So we’ve got a long day ahead of us.

Bethany glanced t her watch. It was nine forty five. They were here for five hours. What can they possibly do in the middle of nowhere for five hours? she wondered.

As if reading her thoughts, Paul whispered to her, “Five hours of fun and games, Beth.” He winked at her. “Make sure you please us and the other girls will never find out about your naughtiness.” Another wink.

Bethany sighed. What can they possibly want from her, she thought. No, scratch that, she had a very good idea what they might want from her and she felt physically sick at the thought of it.

Bethany, Paul and James were the last ones off the coach. Beth had her rucksack with her and Paul and James both had slightly smaller daysacks. They stood at the side of the coach wilst the two teachers unloaded a few further items which would be required for the day’s educational activities.

Mr Carson and Miss Farrell lined up the twenty pupils in two rows of ten and then asked them to split themselves into groups of five; the pupils’ own choice. There were ten girls and ten boys but they were encouraged to make up mixed groups.

Beth already knew whose group she would be in. She watched as Alan and Liam moved over to stand by Paul and James and then sidled across to stand beside Liam. She felt that he might be the safest one to latch onto.

Sophie Markham, the other girl from Beth’s class, who was sharing the dorm with Beth and the girls from class 10B, came over. “Beth,” she said, “Are you coming in our group? I’ve got Ryan, Steven and Kayleigh. I just need one more.”

“Sorry, Soph,” Beth smiled, “I... er... promised Liam and James and the guys that I’d...”

“Sure,” Sophie cut her off before she could finish. “No probs,” I’ll see if Megan wants to join us.” Sophie went to find Megan.

“See,” Paul said to Bethany, “We’re a group now.” He winked at her again.

Once the pupils had decided on their four groups of five, Mr Carson and Miss Farrell took two groups each.

Beth’s group was with Mr Carson, alongside a group comprising of Sarah, Katie, Emma and two other boys: Ian and John.

The two groups stood side by side.

“Okay,” Mr Carson said, “Mr Williams and Mrs Powell will be here shortly. They’re coming in Mr Williams’ car. When they get here, they’ll take a group each. Until then, you’re all in my care.”

“Yes, Sir,” the ten pupils all muttered discordantly.

“Right,” Mr Carson said, “I want you, in your groups, to find a suitable spot and draw the lake.”

The pupils looked at each other as if they’d misheard Carson.

“Find a spot where you can get a good view of it,” Carson continued, “But try not to wander too far and don’t try and get too close to the lake.”

The pupils gathered their stuff together and were about to go when Carson stopped them again. Ever the Geography tutor, he pointed out a peak. “That’s Scafell Pike,” he said, “And if you look behind you...” He pointed in another direction, away from the lake, “You can just glimpse Harter Fell.” He looked up at the sky. “I hope you all have your waterproofs because it may be starting to rain soon. If so, there’s shelter nearby. If it rains, everyone assemble back here. Is that understood?”

Everyone agreed that it was understood and the two groups split up to find spots to draw the lake.

Beth found a quiet point on a gentle hillside overlooking the lake, sat down and took her sketch pad and pens from her rucksack.

“You’re not doing it,” Paul said.

Beth looked up at him. “We’ve got to,” Beth said.

“Bollocks have we,” Paul said, “I’ll just draw something quickly at the end. This is a day out. We’re going to have fun.”

“Fun?” Beth said as she started to sketch the lake.

“Yeah,” Paul said, pointing to the group with Katie, Sarah and Emma in it. “And unless you want those girls to find out about your waywardness, I suggest you do as I say.”

Bethany glanced over at Katie and Sarah. They were the ones she was most worried about. She didn’t bear to think what they might do to her if they found out about her not completing the dare. “Please don’t say anything.”

“Put your book down,” Paul said.

Bethany put her sketch pad and pen down on the soft grass beside her.

“Now, take your trousers and panties down.” Paul gave her a stern look.

“What?” Beth was taken aback by the statement. “I can’t do that.”

“We’ll cover you from the others,” Paul said. “Now do it or I’ll call Katie over.”

Katie was the worst, Beth knew. It was Katie’s dare that she had disobeyed. In fact it was the forfeit, which makes it worse because not only had she refused the dare, she had also gotten out of the forfeit. “Okay,” Beth said eventually, “Cover me.”

The four boys stood in front of Bethany, covering her from prying eyes, although all four of them were facing her, watching her every move.

Beth glanced at Liam, to see if she could get any sympathy from him. It didn’t look hopeful. Beth unfastened her trousers and then lifted herself from the ground to pull them down. She wore blue panties.

“Take the panties down,” James said, “We want to see you.”

Beth bit her lower lip and shuffled her panties down to her thighs. She had light, wispy hair covering her slit.

“Very good, Paul said, taking out his phone, “I think we need to preserve this.” He took a picture of Beth in her half-undressed state. “Now, he continued, “If you don’t do as we say, this picture will be sent to everyone. And I mean everyone.”

A tear ran down Beth’s cheek. She removed her glasses to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand and then put them back on again.

“Now,” Paul said, “Take your trousers and panties off properly and stand up.”

Beth took her boots off so she could remove her trousers and discarded the items. She stood up, thankful that she was still covered by the boys.

Paul took a few more pictures of her, some full-length showing her face and cunt in the same picture and some close ups of her cunt. “Okay,” he said, “Any of you guys want pictures?”

The other boys took their phones out and took pictures of her.

When they were done, Paul said to Beth, “You can get dressed again now.

Beth nodded. “Thanks,” she said, semi-sarcastically.

“But just put the trousers back on,” Paul said, “No panties underneath.”

Beth pulled on her trousers as quickly as possible and fastened them up, being careful not to catch any pubes in the zip. She put her boots back on and tied up the laces.

“Okay,” Paul said to Beth, “You’re ours for the day.”

“And maybe longer,” Alan chipped in.

“Yeah,” Paul said, revising his statement, “Definitely longer. For the whole week.”

To be continued...
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