Thread: Rainfall
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Old 04-03-2014, 04:01 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Posts: 92
Default Rainfall

How I Met Your Mother's finale totally ripped off the night that she and I first met.


It was February 15th, 2009 and I was waiting for the nine twenty-seven p.m. bus to arrive at the corner of Palms and Overland in Los Angeles.

I was sitting down on a bench, the graffiti'd advertisement behind my back loudly screaming out about some upcoming rap show that had taken place two months earlier. The city had not bothered to put up shelters to cover up all of the bus stops yet, and so I was stuck shivering in my black rainjacket, trying my best to stay warm and to keep dry and failing miserably.


I looked up for what must have been the thirteenth time to see a girl waiting for the bus as well ten feet away from me, next to the blue transit stop sign.

Her long red hair was tumbling down her back in a french braid as stood beneath a pink and white clear umbrella. I could tell that she had white bud headphones in her ears and was clearly listening to something with a heavy beat out of her iPhone that was jammed into her front pants pocket.

"You know, if you are going to keep staring at her, you might as well go talk to her."

The voice came out of nowhere and knocked me out of my entracement.

I looked over to see an elderly lady sitting down next to me, and I scooted over to try to give us both some personal space.

"I um, I don't know about um, that." I said somewhat meekly, the raindrops then falling into my eyes and turning them red and watery before as I feebly try to brush them away.

"The worst she can do is say no. Or pepper spray you. Or stick you." she said, making jabbing motions with her hand towards my waist. I involuntarily flexed my side away from her in response as my eyes flickered back over at the redhaired vixen once again.

And the rain continued to fall.




"Truth or Dare? Seriously?" I groaned out, reaching for another chip and dipped it into the spinach artichoke dip from Applebee's that was between us on our bi-monthly movie handout night.

"Sure, why not? YOU are the one who forgot to get anything from Redbox. YOU are the one who was supposed to get the movie instead of the food stuffs." With that, she reached across and triumpantly stole my smothered chip away from my fingers before I could pop it into my mouth, an errand stand of her long red hair wisping about her face at the same time.

"Bitch", I said.

"Fucker." she automatically replied.

"Motherfucker!" I shouted back, sticking my finger in her face to accent the point.

"Fuck you and the fuck truck you fucked in on motherfucker!" she rapped at me without missing a beat, her green eyes boring into my face while she swore fluently.

I stuck my tongue out at her and then yawned.

"Fine, but I'm going to be surfing Netflix in the meantime." I said before slouching back, picking up my Xbox controller and booting up Netflix.

The red screen came on and I immediately started to flick through the listings as she said "Alright...Truth or Dare?"


"Alright. What did you REALLY think of my best friend's boyfriend? The one that you said was simply WONDERFUL to talk to and GREAT for her."

"That he was WONDERFUL and GREAT. Obviously. I would NEVER imply otherwise. I mean seriously, he is such a great and deep GUY with GREAT morals. One of his BEST qualities is that he would NEVER cheat on your best friend. And he is TOTALLY going places in life. Just because he was told by his supervisor that he would NEVER get promoted where he works and that he keeps getting his hours cut but does not want to look for any other job and was arrested for pot and spent two weeks in jail since he couldn't make bail does NOT mean that he's not a WONDERFUL and GREAT guy for her."

I selected a 90's rom com starring Selma Hayek called "Fools Rush In" and started it up as soon as I finished making my point.

"You're an ass." she said as the Columbia Pictures logo came across the screen, settling in to watch the movie in the bean bag chair next to me.

"Whore." I tossed back at her. "Now listen. Next, you're gonna tell me to stop saying those true things about him in a minute. And its my turn. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare. And you shouldn't say those true things about him."

"Fine. Tell your best friend what you REALLY think about her boyfriend."

"Fuck you. No!" She then smacked me on the back of the head, damn near making me fall forward since I wasn't expecting it.

"Hey, YOU are the one who wanted to play this game."

~fin Chapter One: Noticing
I do not have an avatar, because I am a little dirty rebel.

The story I am writing, Rainfall.

Please give it a read, and tell me what you honestly think.


Piņa coladas, and getting caught in the rain. I like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.


Coffee. The fact that Pushing Daisies only got two seasons. And that there are some people who really believe that love is not all you need.

Last edited by NowStop; 04-03-2014 at 04:10 PM.
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