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Old 02-17-2013, 06:51 PM   #12
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Bear with me as I nerd out for a minute here:

I love each of the three new doctors fairly equally, although, like I said, 9 is my favorite. The thing to remember, though, is that 9 was born of the Time War, so he's got a lot of darkness in him. And it's difficult to discuss the doctors without discussing their companions too, and Rose was such a big deal for 9 and 10. 9 had a lot of anger and resentment and self-loathing, and Rose brought him out of that and into 10. 10 then had to suffer through losing Rose, which had an important impact on him as he transferred into 11 and dealt with Martha and Donna as companions. The sad thing about 10 is that he lost everyone, which brings him into 11, a much darker and unstable Doctor than 9 or 10 ever were. 11 blames himself for almost everything that happens to him, and if you don't believe me, watch the episode Let's Kill Hitler. He feels guilt over everything that ever happened to any of his companions.

Which brings me to Clara, whom I am very excited about, because in both of her episodes thus far she had sought out the Doctor and pursued him rather than the other way around. It'll be interesting to see 11, who is this angry, scared man, interact with her.
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