Thread: Sex Survey
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Old 07-03-2016, 06:47 PM   #21
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Posts: 12

1. When was the first time you had sex? Depends what you call sex. I am technically still a virgin with males but not with girls.
2. When was the first time you did anything with 'sex' in the title that may not have been intercourse (and with whom?) I first did a group masturbation with school friends at 12. I first made out with a girl at 13.

3. Are you in a relationship now? No

4. Have you ever cheated on your partner? Yes

4a. Did they know? Yes it was mutual.

4b. Did they care? Did you? No we would do it sometimes. It was OK.

5. When was the last time you had sex? One day ago

6. How often have you had sex when not in a relationship? Most of my life I have not been in a relationship so mostly.

7. How often have you had sex when in a relationship? A lot but I live at home so opportunity is the thing.

8. How many sexual partners have you had? about 10

9. How often do you masturbate? One or more times a day

10. Has anyone else masturbated you? Yes

11. Have you masturbated anyone else? Yes

12. Do you masturbate more or less in a relationship than when not in a relationship? Doesn't make much difference but slightly less.

13. Not counting before you lost your virginity, what's the longest you've gone without sex? Most of my life is without sex. hence the masturbation.

14. Do you engage in chastity play? No

15. Do you own a chastity device? No
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