Thread: Fiction: YES, SIR - by PacifierGirl
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Old 05-10-2017, 01:46 PM   #1
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Default YES, SIR - by PacifierGirl

Okay, so I've had this idea brewing in my head for a couple of weeks now and I really wasn't sure if I wanted to post it or not because I'm not convinced that it fits in with 99% of the stories here. While most stories here are pretty easy "jerk off" material, this might be a little bit heavy for that - trying to be more of a story than porn, so if that's not your thing - I'm sorry! :c I have another idea for a lighter story that I might put in to writing after I've finished my exams in the coming months but for now, I just want to get this on to paper.

To clarify, it will be quite heavily kink based and some people will definitely find it matches their fantasies and might get off on it but I hope that others can enjoy it for the story and wanting to find out what happens next.

Fictional place names are being used for this story.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!



It had probably been the hardest month of Marie's life. The middle aged woman sat in the living room of a house filled with ghosts, just perched on her armchair, sitting in silence wondering what conversations were filling the room in an alternative reality where none of this mess had ever happened.

She'd been trying not to cry. She'd been trying not to let this ruin her life. She'd been trying not to blame herself. Three more failures on top of the ones that you already hated herself for. It had been a whole month and she still couldn't hold herself together. This is all your fault, the voices spoke in her head, You've done this. It doesn't matter what the police say or what anybody else says. You did this.

She looked on, blankly, towards the empty TV screen, picturing a better life playing on it. She was used to being alone, her daughter never joined her in the evenings, she would up in her room doing schoolwork and talking to her friends but this wasn't like any other day. There was no Sadie in her bedroom upstairs. The house was empty and no matter how hard she tried, Marie couldn't stop thinking about it.

A ring in the air startled her as the house phone on the coffee table, in front of her, vibrated with heavy force. She paused for a second, questioning if she should answer it. Pretend that nothing was happening but there was only one thought in her head as she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" her voice a shell of it's former self, breaking at every syllable, the tears clear in her eyes.

The voice that spoke back to her nearly caused the older woman to drop the phone in shock but an inner part of her held on. The stronger part of her.

"I'm in Castleholme..." the voice on the other side of the phone whimpered, "Help me, please..."

Marie couldn't speak. She felt her vocal chords freeze up as her eyes filled with tears again. There was so much she wanted to say but the words were jamming themselves in her throat.

The phone clicked dead and ended the moment as quickly as it started.

After a minute of standing aghast, the old woman finally managed to get a word out. "Sadie..."

Marie couldn't remember the last time that she ran, but she was out to her car before her brain could even process the thought. It was dark outside, she rarely left the house anymore, let alone at this time. She was tired before but now she was awake on adrenaline.

Castleholme was a small village, about an hour away but she could make it in 30 minutes at this time, if she tried hard enough. This was her chance to redeem herself and save everything. Everything was going to be okay, she'd found Sadie. It would take a while for them to readjust but they were going to be fine, it was all smooth sailing from here...

Little did she realise, the chase had only just begun.


Hope I've managed to intrigue you with this prologue. d:

The first real chapter is going to be significantly more "kinky", don't you worry. Feel free to leave theories and ideas for what you think is happening. If I had to give the story a genre, it would probably fall under the mystery type.

Hope you enjoy! ^-^
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