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Old 01-12-2016, 07:13 PM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Stroudsburg, PA
Posts: 83
Blog Entries: 7

This is what I had to do, someone gave me this post as a Dare

1.3 - Lay your balls in the palm of one hand, then place the other hand on top. Clap 50 times.
2.Nope - Are We Tying Those Balls?
3.3 - Fetch a hardback book, then flip it open to the middle. Insert balls and slam it closed 20 times.
4.Yes - What About Those Balls - Are They Tied Now?
5. 3 - To just the right ball, 150 whacks with a ruler.
6. 1 - UNLUCKY! Return to #1, Re-roll and start over, including completing each Round. Tough break!

1. 6 - Do 2, 3, 4 and 5 - Yes, all of them. At least you'll be fully warmed up!
2. Yes
3. 5 - To just the left ball, do 100 whacks with a wooden spoon.
4. Yes
5. 2 - With the bristles of a hairbrush, do 250 firm whacks to your balls.
6. 5 - If your balls are tied, untie them. If not tied, tie them now and proceed to #7.
7. Tails - No cooldown for you.
8. 6 - Do #6 from Round #3 and Round #5
1 - 50 Very firm Slaps with each hand, so that's 100 in total.
2 - 25 Punches, while supporting your balls with your other hand. Don't be a wimp, PUNCH them!
3 - Fetch a hardback book, then flip it open to the middle. Insert balls and slam it closed 20 times.
4 - With the bristles of a hairbrush, do 250 firm whacks to your balls.
5 - To just the left ball, do 100 whacks with a wooden spoon.
6 - Do the Entire Section - Yes, all of them. Beginning to regret this? You might be soon!

1 - 200 with a wooden spoon to your balls
2 - With the bristles of a hairbrush, do 250 firm whacks to your balls.
3 - 100 Very firm Slaps with each hand, so that's 200 in total.
4 - 100 spanks with the flat side of a hairbrush to your balls.
5 - To just the right ball, 150 whacks with a ruler.
6 - Do the Entire Section - Yes, all of them. You poor bastard.
9. Heads - Yes
10. 5 - 150 whacks with the back of a hairbrush, to the right ball only.
11. Tails - Proceed to #12
12. Untie
13. 1 - Awww, you poor thing. Restart at #1

1. 4 - Give your balls a good firm squeeze. Count SLOWLY to 100, then release your balls.
2. Tails - Nope
3. 2 - 25 Punches, while supporting your balls with your other hand. Don't be a wimp, PUNCH them!
4. Tails - Nope
5. 2 - With the bristles of a hairbrush, do 250 firm whacks to your balls.
6. 4 - Re-do Rounds #4 and #5, but roll again, then proceed to #7
4. Heads - Yes
5. 4 - 100 spanks with the flat side of a hairbrush to your balls.
7. Heads - Rest your balls on Ice for 5 minutes.
8. 4 - Do #4 from Round #3 and Round #5
4 - With the bristles of a hairbrush, do 250 firm whacks to your balls.
4 - 100 spanks with the flat side of a hairbrush to your balls.
9. Tails - Nope
10. 1 - 100 with a wooden spoon to both balls
2 - Support your balls with one hand. Firmly tap the left ball with a finger 50 times.
3 - Give your balls a good firm squeeze. Count SLOWLY to 100, then release your balls.
4 - 75 whacks with the back of a hairbrush.
5 - 150 whacks with the back of a hairbrush, to the right ball only.
6 - Do the Entire Section - Yes, all of them. Aww, you poor boy.
11. Tails - Proceed to #12
12. Untie
13. 5 - You're all done. Hope you survived

The second time around I had to reroll 13 he did not like 5, so then I reroll as instructed got 1,5 and 5 so he said pick worst one... it was 1 >.>

After doing this dare my balls ache lots but the ice cooled them down a lot, they stiff hurt but not as much as before >.> Lets just say I feel them now.
Measurements - Penis s/3" h/7 weight: 320lbs height: 6' belly: 54"

Can only refer to itself as cunt or it, no I's, me, myself and so on.

Still a virgin

KiK - worthlessspig11
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