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Old 08-06-2015, 05:55 PM   #2
causewhynot's Avatar
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Good questions, I like them, they make you think a little.

1. Would you rather...
Live one 1,000-year life?
Live ten 100-year lives?

Am I youthful for those 1000 years? Do I stay myself or will I be reincarnated as different persons? Depends on circumstance, but I'm leaning towards ten 100 year lives.

2. Would you rather...
Have hiccups for the rest of your life?
Feel like you need to sneeze and not be able to for the rest of your life?

Hiccups. I feel like you'd get used to them after a while.

3. Would you rather...
Have the ability to read minds? (You will be illiterate.)
Have just have the ability to read?

I'd rather read minds. Then I can do lots of stuff, become rich, have people read things to me and read through their mind :P

4. Would you rather...
Watch your parents have sex every day for a year? (I’m sorry)
Join in once to make it stop? (I’m sorry)

Uh. That'd fall under the "neither" category but since I have to pick one I'd go for the first one, assuming they don't know since otherwise the relation would probably change dramatically.

5. Would you rather...
Eat chocolate-flavored poop?
Eat poop-flavored chocolate?

Does the poop taste completely like chocolate? Then that!

6. You're on a desert island with a beautiful woman or man. Would you rather...
They are top-half fish?
They are bottom-half fish?

Top half, since otherwise.. they'd.. just die since they can't breathe?

7. Would you rather...
Fart popcorn?
Have your past and future web browsing history available to everyone?

Clearly farting Popcorn. I don't think there's any choice here ._.

8. Would you rather...
Go to Hogwarts and still be a muggle?
Live in a world with Pokemon, but only be able to catch Magikarps?

Pokemon, Gyarados Army is amazing~ Also there seems to be some muggle hate going on in hogwarts, so theres that.

9. Would you rather...
Have a vagina on your forehead?
Have a row of penises down your back like a stegosaurus?

I'll pick the vagina, firstly I'd know how one feels, and secondly it's probably easier to cover that up

10. Would you rather...
Have a bell go off every single time you were aroused?
Feel a sharp pain in your side every single time someone said your name?

Assuming nobody knows why the bell is sounding I'll pick that. But I'd probably pick that in general.

11. Would you rather...
Have accordions for legs?
Have a huge belly button 10 inches long that swayed to the beat of popular music?

I'll pick the belly button since I don't really listen to popular music. Seems more practical too.

12. Would you rather...
Have sex with a goat, and no one knows that you did it?
NOT have sex with a goat, but everyone THINKS you did it?

If everyone thought I'd have had sex with a goat I might as well start living a completely hermit life, and since I wouldn't like that, Mrs. Goat has a good time ahead of her, I suppose.

13. Would you rather...
Live in a world where huge, friendly gummy bears walk around?
Live in a world where hover boards exist?

If huge friendly gummy bears walk around I'd always be tempted to eat them. And then I'd feel bad since they seemed to be good guys. Also hover boards are awesome, so there's that.

14. Would you rather...
Live the rest of your life with Cheeto dust on your fingers?
Have taste buds in your butt?

Non stop cheeto dust? sign me up.

15. And now, the hardest would you rather question you will ever be asked: Would you rather...

Have a side soup?
Have a side salad?

Soup in general just has way more flavor, and has more variety, so that's a simple one.
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