Thread: 15 female dares
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Old 10-20-2010, 04:20 AM   #126
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Some people need to learn a bit of physics and biology here (not that I'm an expert in either subject).

If you want to feel two objects rubbing against each other in your colon, then use hard objects (marbles for example). Packing them inside a condom or a balloon is good idea.

A balloon by itself filled with water or air will just deform in any way your bowel wants it to. As a result you won't feel a thing.

About popping/bursting a balloon inside your colon
There are several ways to pop a balloon, but all of them come down to the same thing: the skin is stretched farther then it supports.
a) pinprick: a very small portion of the balloon is stretched to far, after which the rest of the skin continues to tear. Putting a needle inside your colon is a very bad idea, obviously. Putting in the needle trough your butt hole would result in the water flowing out of your arse, not into your colon...
b) pushing it until it pops:
When you pop a balloon by squeezing it in your hands or by stepping on it, you are in fact expanding a part of the skin over its stretch limit. A balloon inside your colon will take from all sides about the [/]same[/i] pressure. In those condition the skin will NEVER pop: it can only get smaller, not bigger. The only way to pop a balloon when equal pressure is exercised on all sizes is by lowering the surrounding pressure. Then the gas inside the balloon will expand to such a volume that the balloons skin has to stretch too far. (If the balloon is filled with a liquid, the lowering pressure will make the liquid boil first...)

About holding a cup of water for 5hrs:
The final part of the colon has one function in the digestive system: extracting water from the digested food.
When you put a cup of water into your colon, after 5hrs there will be none left: it will end up in your bladder and you'll pee it out.
Also the water extracted in that fashion goes directly into your bloodstream, without passing via the liver. This is why putting chemicals in there is bad idea... You will get much more drunk from a beer in your colon then a beer you drink.

My anal suggestion:
Find some kind of container that you can shove up. It must be hard enough so that won't be squeezed flat. Put something heavy inside that container, but in such a way that it is free to move inside. You have now effectively made a Ben-wha ball. The object inside the container will tick against the sides whenever you move. You will feel it inside ;-)
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