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Old 06-07-2013, 09:27 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 37

Part 2 the shy girls shame

The girls then got off their sisters faces trying to hide their crotch while the other girls mocked them. Carmen then said "wait this is unfair, I have to do one for everyone who jumps over me." "I know how about this you must can do only one of each type of dare until your next turn" Jamie added. Bridget went next and rolled a 6 and was safe. Rose rolled a 5 and was also safe. Ha went next and rolled an 11 which was a dare space. The girls snickerd as ha reached her hand inside the bowl. (Sing and dance for a song of groups chosing) She almost started to cry. She was the shiest of the girls and was also wearing a white polo, but to not do it could have her do worse or even lose. So she took all the pride she could muster and walked towards the vacant basement bathroom. She climed in as the others started the water and picked a hip hop song. Ha tried to rap while the other smacked her ass begging her to booty dance. All as the white bra she was wearing became visible. When the girls saw it they began to laugh until the song ended and the water was shut off. Casey went and rolled a 10 and was safe. Kyra then went and also rolled a 10. She picked up her card. (Have everyone take turns torturing you no striping until every one has gone or you wet your pants) She looked down in shame but didnt want to start behind so she braced herself for whats to come. She is a curvyer girl in a pink tee and light blue jeans. Each girl went up to her and didnt want to torture her to much so they just did small stuff. Touch her boobs, spank her a little. Until Casey went. She took her pink panties with colored stars and pulled it way up and gave her an atomic wedgie. She then pulled off her belt from black pencle skirt and began whipping her sore bottom. After a few minutes Kyra began to cry until she gave into the pain and wet her pants.

Last edited by Sandman777; 06-11-2013 at 10:51 AM.
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