Thread: Skirtz
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Old 12-01-2008, 07:29 PM   #24
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Default Skirtz (ficitonal) part V the interview

Part V

It only took us 8 minutes to drive to Skirtz my sister got lucky with a few lights and the fact that the cops were busy at the time with an accident on the other side of town. The three of us went in and order soda’s for ourselves. I mentioned to the cashier that I had an appointment with Lisa for 10:30. She said oh you must be the new girl I don’t know why but somehow I could feel her emphasize the new girl I could only comment yeah I’m the new girl and thought in the back of my mind if only you knew how new of a girl I really was.. Beth kept telling me to relax as I filled out the application form, she said I would do fine that I was a natural at being a lady.

I couldn’t help myself I felt that at any time someone would recognize me as a guy in a dress but luckily none of the other diners paid any attention to us or at least that is what I thought. As I was filling out the application one of the waitresses came over and handed me a slip of paper she said it was from the gentleman sitting in the corner in the burgundy button down dress shirt I turned to look to see who sent me a note in a restaurant. The gentleman smiled and waved I turned back towards the application and glimpsed at the paper it was folded in half when I unfolded I found it was a business card from the bank with a phone number hand written on the front and his name Craig circled.

Ashley commented about the note that’s the way sis get them guys eating out of your fingers before you even get the job at least you know one person who will be leaving you generous tips and with that she laughed.

I had barely finished the application Lisa came out from the kitchen area and introduced ourselves, Beth and I introduced ourselves and Lisa obviously knew Ashley already. Lisa asked that I come back to her office with her so I followed her back as we got to the kitchen door she held the door open and I went in she said her office was on the left just go in and have a seat she would be right back.

I did as she asked and she was right it was only about two minutes later she returned. Lisa explained that one of the waitresses had twisted her foot and needed help getting out to her boyfriend’s car so she aided her by giving her a shoulder to lean on.

Lisa then gave the application a cursory glance then said Kyle hmm. You look much to beautiful right now to be called Kyle. I understand this is your first time dressed as you are now so I must assume you may not have a female name yet is this correct? I responded that this was correct. She then stated well the first thing to do is to decide what to call you. I hadn’t even thought about that part yet if I got this job I would have to have a ladies name to go with the ladies clothing. She recommended Kelly I said that was fine so now Kelly was born she then said Kelly seemed a little plain and that I was more then plain. I got the feeling she was kind of flirting with me. How about we name you Kelly Anne? So there I was I went from being Keith Andrew Tuttle to Kelly Anne Tuttle.

Lisa said now that part is done she said please tell me a little bit about yourself Kelly. I explained how I was on the track team and Valedictorian at the high school that I would be enrolled at the college this fall and I planned to major in Business Administration and Computer Science.

She asked what kind of job experiences I had so far. This was to be my first real job I had delivered newspapers for a while and was quite good at getting new customers my route at doubled in the number of customers in only 4 months from 40 to 80 papers a day. And from 90 to more than double at 200 papers on Sundays. She was impressed with my salesman ship though with a job as a waitress I wouldn’t be doing a whole lot of sales though occasionally the customers would ask for the waitress to make a recommendation which she said is usually something we ordered too much of and the customers weren’t ordering enough of to get rid of it any other way.

She explained to me I wouldn’t be the first male she had hired to work here at Skirtz but I may be the most beautiful one she had ever hired I felt myself blush when she said that. The pay would only be $3.00 per hour but with my looks she said I should make about $15.00 per hour in tips on average. The job is only 20 hours per week but there are occasions all employees are expected to come on company outings. These happen about twice a month. We all went to the beach last weekend. Though we do this by shifts the morning crew goes one day the afternoon shift the next those who missed because of having to work one of the days goes on their off day we make sure each employee get’s time to go on these events, and failure to show up can result in termination.

If you like you can start Monday but as you know you will have to wear the uniform which includes a skirt, blouse, bra, panties, make-up, you hair done, ear rings, nylon hosiery, and perfume. Did I miss anything she asked? Then almost like she was answering herself oh yeah you need to wear at least a 3 inch heel. Failure to wear any of the above articles during working hours can result in your termination.

I said that was fine but wasn’t sounding at all enthused about it I was hoping to find a job where I could dress like myself not like the bimbo I now appeared to be.

Lisa told me to be here at 10 A.M. Monday morning and she would have one of the girls to help me out and show me what needed to be done I was handed an employee manual. And then she asked if I had any questions.
I did but not about the job actually I told her. She said go ahead if she felt like it she would answer. My question to her was since she mentioned I wasn’t the first male she had hired as a waitress if there was any other ‘girls’ like me working here. She answered there was 1 working there at the time that was like me but she wasn’t going to say who it was and best that I didn’t ask around about it nor was I to mention to anyone that I was actually a male ever and that meant even if out of uniform that I couldn’t mention to anyone that I worked as a waitress. She said it’s like the military you don’t ask we don’t tell, you don’t tell we won’t ask. She also mentioned if it wasn’t for all the discrimination suits other restaurants were getting that men wouldn’t have a chance to get a job here. So to be fair and to be an equal opportunity employer we decided to hire both male and female waitresses but the law never stated that we couldn’t specify a one sex clothing uniform, and that is what we here at Skirtz do.

part VI will be coming soon

I am glad that there are those of you who enjoy it though regardless I would still be finishing it as this is a story that wants to be told in my mind.
So until next time.
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