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Old 06-01-2013, 07:41 AM   #6
getDare Devil
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Default chapter three cont

Chapter 3 – Double Duty

Harry wasn’t sure he wanted to have the book Tonks had given to him, especially since she made him promise not to reveal it to anyone. Still, it was pretty interesting reading. He had a chance that evening while Ron was at Quidditch practice to browse a few chapters and was both stunned and confused. Some sections were obvious, like the chapter on Love Potions, while others, such as the one entitled, “Delectatio Femina” completely mystified him. The illustrations were shocking to say the least, and he nearly lost it when Neville came into the room while he was trying to understand one drawing in particular showing a close up of a female’s genitals. He had to slap the book closed and pretend that he was late for a meeting with Professor Snape while trying to shield his lap from view at the same time. It was only when he was safely out in the halls that he remembered that he really did have a Potions class that evening… and truthfully enough, he was indeed late.

“There you are, Harry,” came Hermione’s cheerful voice behind him and he unconsciously ducked. “Come on, I have something I want to show you,” she said leading him away from Snape’s dungeon after their lesson. She hadn’t even waited to see if he was following her. But then, she didn’t have to. Harry knew at once what it was that she wanted to ‘show him’ since he suddenly found his feet had betrayed him and were quietly trotting along behind her with or without his permission. He cursed under his breath and tried not to stare at his classmate’s rear too obviously as she led him through several halls and up a flight of stairs. Finally, she reached a place that Harry recognized at once, and he gulped. It was the Room of Requirement that they used for their DA meetings.

“Just in here,” she said, smiling as she held the door for him.

“Oh no…” he moaned upon seeing the large four-poster bed covered with pillows. A soft glow came from a large number of candles placed randomly about the space.

“Oh yes,” replied the girl closing and locking the door. She then giggled and made a running jump to the bed, which went ‘wooof!’ and bounced her softly. “I did warn you Harry,” she said adjusting the pillows a bit. Then, kicking off her shoes, she hooked her finger at him.

Swallowing, he stepped closer until he was standing by the side of the bed. He really didn’t have a choice, as the charm was still pretty much controlling his actions. She reached for his belt.

“You know,” she said almost absentmindedly as she slowly unbuckled his pants. “I know it’s only been two days and all, but I think you had better get moving if you plan to make the twenty-eight day deadline.”

“Wh-wh-why’s that,” he asked, trying not to watch what her hands were doing.

“Well,” she continued, “I’m drawing a lot of energy from you every time we have sex, and while your reserves will recharge, you’re going to get awfully tired.” His pants dropped to the hardwood floor with a clunk. A moment later, her fingers were playing at the top of his boxers.

“I d-d-diddn’t know you cared… oh god…” he groaned.

Hermione had the look of a child with a new Christmas toy as her fingers gently urged his undergarment down over his hips.

“Well of course I care, Harry,” she answered after a moment or two. “If you’re dog-tired, you won’t very well be much good in bed, now will you? Step out of your shoes and join me up here, please,” she ordered.

“Oh…” he responded as he followed her instructions.

“Now,” she said smiling happily as she sat on the bed before him with her legs folded under her. “I want to try something a bit different this time. I want you to take my clothes off.”

“What?!” he replied, panicking even as his hands were reaching for her. His shaking fingers found the top of her blouse and he nearly fainted.

“It’ll be good for you. After all, if you’re ever going to break the charm, then you had better learn how to do this.”

It was hard to fight logic like that, but Harry still found himself so nervous he thought he might throw up. One by one, he gradually worked his way to the bottom of Hermione’s blouse. She helped him out then and pulled the rest of the garment out of her skirt.

“Okay, unlike our first time, I’ve got on a bra, so reach behind me and undo the little clasps.”

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he groaned and leaned forward so that his arms encircled the girl. Her face was right in front of his, and his nostrils filled with the fragrance of her hair… her skin… He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her lips and his breathing deepened. Hers too, he noticed.

“You’re doing fine, but focus, Harry. My bra, remember?”

He realized that he had stopped, entranced. “Hmm? Oh! Right, sorry,” he replied and took a deep breath as he renewed his struggles with the alien clasp.

Hermione giggled at his trouble.

“Confound it! Is this thing cursed or something?” He exclaimed finally as his frustration reached a peak.

“Relax. It’s not hard once you know how to do it. Push the ends in, and then release them… there you’ve got it!”

Harry sighed with relief and brought his arms back around, but his breath caught when the bra fell forward exposing her bare breasts. Smiling, Hermione cast the unneeded garment to the side.

“Do you like them, Harry?” She asked, pushing her chest forward slightly. Her lopsided grin betraying her as she teased him. He just swallowed and nodded once.

“Go ahead,” she inclined her eyes to her front. “Touch them… lightly.”

Even though he had done so before, he reached out and very gently placed his fingers to the top swell of her breasts. In the past, he was far too caught up in the passion of intercourse to really pay attention to Hermione’s assets, and he marveled in the softness under his fingers. Hermione gasped softly as the tips of his fingers found the harder flesh of her nipples, her lips parting to suck in the quick breath. He saw and felt the darker nubs swell slightly under his touch.

Harry saw that Hermione’s breathing was quickly deepening and she had closed her eyes to the pleasure.

“Th-that’s lovely, H-H-Harry, ummm… but I want you to get my skirt now, if you p-p-please.”

With reluctance, Harry moved his hands down to her waist and saw that the girl blew out a heavy sigh and smiled. “Right,” she continued. “There’s a zipper on the side… That’s it. Now let me up a bit,” She rose up onto her knees and he slid the garment down her thighs. Then, leaning back, she laid herself out onto the bed. “Now my panties,” she instructed.

Harry gulped and moved forward until he could grasp the white frilly top and move it over her hips. She helped by raising her rear until the garment was clear, then settled down into the soft covers, naked save for her socks. Harry could hardly breath. She giggled at his statue-like pose, his hand still holding out her undergarments.

“Oh, men are so helpless,” she said half-jokingly after a moment. “Come on then, Harry. Just put those down and come closer.”

Looking at the panties in his hand, he abruptly let them fall to the bed as though they had become hot to the touch and clumsily made his way forward until he was right before Hermione’s bent legs.

“We have about two hours before evening classes, but before we get to it I wanted to explain something to you. We witches get basic instruction in sexual magic early. I’m not at all sure why they don’t have an equivalent class for boys except possibly that you’d all go right out and try to rut with every girl on campus, and there’s quite enough of that going on as it is.

“One of the things we learn, and that you have already experienced, is that while the transfer of magical energy during sex can be enormously empowering for one individual in a coupled pair, it can be quite draining on the other. I noticed that you missed breakfast again.”

Harry winced. “I could hardly get out of bed this morning. Ron had to wake me.”

“I thought as much,” she continued. “I’m sorry about that, Harry. If it’s any consolation, that heavy draining should lessen. I’m nearing my peak and won’t be able to take much more energy from you soon.”

Harry looked up in surprise. “Does that mean…”

“Oh, you won’t get off the hook that easy, Potter,” she laughed. “Having a great reserve for my NEWTs isn’t the only reason to have sex you know. I’m rather enjoying myself. Which brings us back to why we’re here…” With that, she grinned deeply and urged her thighs apart.

With a groan, Harry slid forward on top of her as he considered her words.

“Hermione,” he asked. “Just how much does the extra energy help you?” Below him, her hands were squirming between their bodies toward his phallus but stopped when he distracted her with the technical question.

“Well, I suppose it varies based on the individual. It won’t help you study, if that’s what you’re thinking. You still have to be able to perform the magic. But, it does make you stronger. Your spells become more likely to hit their mark, and when they do, they’ll have a higher chance of working correctly.”

“I think I get it,” replied Harry, frowning. “So someone with their magical energy topped off, so to say, wouldn’t have to try quite as hard to perform a spell that might normally be a little above them.”

Hermione brightened. “Yes, Harry. That’s it exactly! But listen… It works the other way as well I’m afraid. When your magical reserves are low, you have to work that much harder to do the same charms or spells. It’s one of the reasons they tell you pace yourself carefully during OWL and NEWT testing. If you give the proctors your highest level spells right up front, you can often find yourself too worn out to perform well at the end. It’s also why the school encourages the use of simple spells over complex ones as a habit. If you find yourself in drawn out combat with a Deatheater, the last thing you want is to be draining yourself too quickly.”

At the mention of Deatheaters, Harry found himself disconsolate and it wasn’t until Hermione brought him back to reality by taking hold of his manhood that he realized that he had been frowning.

“Try not to lose the moment,” urged the girl below him with a smile.

“Oh… Sorry ’bout that,” he stammered and returned his attention to their original purpose for being in the Room of Requirement. With a grunt, he let her guide his shaft, and then grinned himself when she gasped in pleasure. “So… ughn… Hermione… Given my.. umm… rating and all…ughnnn… I’m not ever going to get much out of sex… ahh… Magically that is, am I?”

“Thanks for qualifying that last point, Harry… ohhh! Unfortunately, ummm… unless you found someone with an even higher rating than… ughn!… yourself… Ahh! Ahh… Ohh… Which seems highly unlikely… uhnnn!… You will always lose energy during s-s-sex… oh yes! Right there… Ahh!! UGHN! UHMMMMM!!”

Hermione stiffened into bliss beneath him, and a moment later, Harry had his own release. After a time, he collapsed and she rolled to the side. “That was marvelous,” she said still panting. Her face had a dreamy, sleepy quality to it. He had to agree, but deep in the back of his mind, something was still bothering him.

She’d mentioned that their coupling might not affect him so much in the near future, which was a good thing considering how many times being magically strong had probably saved his life in the past. The problem was, if he had any hope of breaking the Venus Charm, it wouldn’t just be Hermione who would be draining him soon. And if he didn’t get it in the first shot… He swallowed nervously as he contemplated the idea of three months or more of being weak to the point of exhaustion. He seriously hoped that Voldemort choose to wait a semester or two before he renewed his attacks.

As if to drive the point home, he felt Hermione’s hand at his groin. She was uttering something under her breath and he realized that she had her wand out. Whatever it was she was doing had an almost immediate effect on his member, which, having gone limp, was now mysteriously rising to the occasion again.

Giggling, she set her wand aside and rolled Harry onto his back. Then, climbing astraddle his hips, she said, “Looks like you’re ready for another go…”

The next week proved no better for Harry as far as breaking the Charm was concerned, but it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying on his part. Part of the problem was that he didn’t know which girls were in on Hermione’s game. It wasn’t like he could just walk up to some random female and ask if they wanted to have sex with him in order to break a spell. Of course he didn’t realize this at first, and made a royal ass of himself when he did just that and propositioned a long-haired Hufflepuff girl that he caught eying him after Herbology.

He wasn’t at all sure that any girl that Hermione had talked to wouldn’t just lead him on in the hope of delaying him another month. After all, the longer he was under the Venus Charm, the more it benefited the school, and in Hermione’s eyes, himself. He needed more advice.

Waiting until the rest of the room had filed out after Defense Against the Dark Arts, he asked Tonks if he could have a moment.

“Still having trouble with the charm then,” she stated, waving her wand to erase the blackboard and tidy up the classroom.

Harry just snorted.

“You still have time. What’s the problem?” She asked as she set herself behind her desk and slumped into the chair so she could cast her feet up on the desk top. It was so unlike his other teachers that he just stared at her for a few moments before answering.

“Uh… I guess I’m not sure how to, er… proceed. How in the world am I supposed to know which girls are going to… cooperate?”

“Hmm,” she replied smiling. “That, Harry, is a question males have been trying to figure out since Adam. However, I see your point. If you’re going to nip this thing in the bud, so to say, then you can’t waste time courting, now can you?”

“Yes, that’s it exactly!” He exclaimed, thinking that he sounded remarkably like Hermione.

“Well then, we need to set you up with a ringer.”

Harry frowned, confused. “I’m sorry, did you say a ringer?”

“That’s right. Someone who won’t mind jumping right to it… A sure thing, you know?”

Suddenly he did know, and his eyes grew wide. “You mean like a prostitute?”

Tonks all but fell out of her chair laughing. When she had recovered herself she looked up at Harry, who didn’t see the mirth in his words at all, and said, still giggling, “No Harry. I think we might have a bit o’ difficulty sneaking a tart like that into Hogwarts. No, I think what you need is a go-between. Someone to test the waters a bit and find a girl with loose enough morals not to mind a quick hop in the sack, but still keep her mouth shut should anybody ask.” Tonks had a somewhat glazed look to her eyes as though she were concentrating. Finally, she turned to Harry and frowned.

“Better give me a day or two to sound-out a few possibles. See me after our next class. But in the meantime, you continue your search as well. You know most the girls here better than I do, and remember you need three, so get cracking.”

Another whole day passed before Harry had screwed up enough courage to talk to any of the girls in his classes, let alone ask them about going out with him. He was making himself nearly sick with apprehension. The only good news was that Hermione was too busy with an Advanced Arithmancy project to call on his services the night prior, which meant that he woke up that morning somewhat refreshed for the first time in almost two weeks.
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