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Old 11-30-2008, 11:05 AM   #57
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Default The Conclusion

Well its the moment you've all been waiting for, and I hope it doesn't disappoint. A sequel will come out at some point, as I plan to start working on it over the holidays, so i can concentrate on school for the next couple of weeks. Thank you for all your support, the 15,000+ views were really special.

Well anyways, here it is...



Tori, Katey, and Greg filed back in and sat down on the couch.

"Well," I said, "It looks like we have an issue here. Its just to dangerous and risky to be doing the dares."

"I agree, I mean, i love the dares, I just dont want to be arrested or anything. "

"Yeah same," Mike said.

We sat around glumly and watched TV for a while, but everyone was sort of glum. Then the phone rang.

"Hello" I answered.

It was my mother. "Hi honey, we were just checking in to see how you and Mike were."

"Fine, actually you just woke us up."

"Oh sorry sweetie, just remember we're coming home in a few hours."

"What? I thought you were coming home tomorrow."

"No, didnt you get that txt message i sent? Oh well it doesnt matter, just be ready for us, ok?

"All right mom, love you."

"I love you too sweetie, bye."

I walked back to the group and told them what my mom had said. Then suddenly I got a great idea!

"How about this, the 5 of us start 'The Dare League'? We could get together and assign dares to each other every month or so, and you have to complete them for the next meeting. Also you have to have photo evidence, and another member as a witness to your dare."

They thought about it and agreed that it would be a grand idea.

"Wait a second. What is going to make sure everyone does their dares?" Katey asked.

"How about we all take some nude photos of everyone, and those can be kept by me as blackmail?" I said, "And because it was my idea, I'll be the DareMaster."

Everyone agreed that that was fair. So we all went down in my basement for the photo shoot. For the girls we took pics of their tits, ass, pussy, and them pleasuring them self. The guys had pics taken of their dick and ass, and them trying to suck them self.

When we were done, they left and we agreed that next week we would meet at a nearby Starbucks for our first meeting.

Then, with the house to myself, I turned on the TV, relaxed, and thought of all the dares I could assign for the Dare League...


Well, its all over
But hopefully you all enjoyed it

Soon their will be the sequel, so if you have any last more advice feel free to post. Also, I'm going to need a lot of dares for the next story so please PM me with any good ones.

And by the way, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to nominate me for the 2008 Choice Award, so feel free.

It has been a pleasure writing for you over the last six months, and i hope you all read my next story too.

And once again, I can thank you enough for your continued support throughout the course of this story. You really made it worth while, and I am so grateful.

Thanks you, and I hope to be writing again soon.
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