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Old 11-02-2008, 09:16 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by Dice7 View Post
... what would be the point in putting effort into thinking up a truth or a dare and posting it if it ended up getting locked for no good reason?
You do make a good point, but there are times where I really wish that an "auto-lock" mechanism did exist. My desire for this feature usually crops up when I find a thread, usually with a title like "home for a couple of hours -- send dares" that has been recently updated, but the creation date, and the situation, are so old that the author is probably not going to act on anything posted. Especially when the posts are more than a day later let alone a few months later.

Yes, the person making the post should take notice of the creation date and not add to the thread, but the simple fact is that people are in too much of a hurry, or simply do not care, and they post anyway. If the thread had been auto-locked after a period of inactivity, the reply couldn't have been made, and it wouldn't have popped to the top to clutter things.

I do agree that an auto-lock mechanism would probably cause more harm than good as there are likely more cases that fit your example than mine. Something that might not be as harsh as auto locking a thread would be to have both the creation date and the last update date on the thread index entry. This, along with the title, might give a reader enough information to avoid reading meaningless updates such as the 'give me dares' example.
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