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Old 11-02-2008, 06:28 AM   #5
Join Date: Jul 2007
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@ultimatedualist: As far as the TorD online section is concerned, if you have a thread in there that gets to the 2nd page after a few days I don't see any problems then when users create another thread. Lately I have locked a couple of threads when users had made multiple threads there but those had been posted in the same day or the day after and they were still on the first page. But allowing a few days in between, I personally see no problem with that.

@slavemichi: No problem in such cases As long as users are contributing to threads to add content then we don't actually consider it as bumping. For ex. if a user post in an old thread in the Dare section to add new ideas and such then that's fine. Same with the s/m lounge, if someone would post in a discussion thread to add there ideas/opinions, etc.

Actually, the area of the site where we tend to enforce this rule a bit more is the s/m area where bumping and multi-posting used to occur a lot more often then in the other sections.

Most of the time, when old threads get locked it is either because someone posted in another user's thread in TorD to give them dares and that these threads are really outdated but in general we tend to try to let threads open as much as possible

Last edited by SubMissChievous; 11-02-2008 at 07:55 AM.
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