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Old 03-26-2013, 03:13 PM   #9
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Thanks for the comments!

"Im gonna make you...take it else where. But first, get soft."
Joe.took nearly half an hour, but eventually got soft. Jack then said
"ok, now suck my dick until i am rock hard, but you can't get hard at all..."
Joe lowered his.head to jack's crotch and began licking, then sucking. However, he was unable to prevent himself getting hard. Jack said that he would have to get soft and then suck him while soft before the dare would continue. Three attempts and an hour later, joe managed to do it.
"Ok, what now?" he asked
"Now it gets interesting!"
"Jack, can i have a word please?"came my voice.
"yeh, sure..." we left the room and shut the door.
"look, your gonna cum in his ass right?"
"yeah, why?"
"are you gay?"
"no. Im not, but i guess im bi...why?
"cos, bi, from now on openly so, and...well..."
"Adam, just goddamn say it, whatever it is!"
"How far have you gone wity a guy before?"
"well, joe sucked me off...but thats it.why?" he asked, much more inquisitively
"well, aside from joe, i've not even kissed a guy...and, i was thinking..."
"yes?" blundered jack
"well, i kinda like you. I always have. And i was thinking if-"
"If i liked you?"
Jack then took a step closer to Adam, so their faces were centimeters away from eachother's. Adam looked into Jack's deep, sparkling blue eyes, as jack began to tilt his head slightly. It took Adam a few milliseconds to realise what jack was doing before their lips met.
At first, the kiss was delicate, and gentle, but then Adam stepped back against the wall, put his hands around Jack's neck and pulled him in. This time, the kiss was deep, powerful and ferocious. Adam's tongue was roaming jack's mouth. Jack pulled away.
"Wait here a minute." he said, as he re-entered the room. The door shut behind him. He heard both teens talking, before jack re-exited the room. He locked the door behind him.
"what are you doing?" asked adam
"getting some privacy." came the response.
Jack pointed to the stairs, and both boys left joe behind.
They reached the lounge and Adam sat down, realising he was solid.
He looked over to jack, and saw that he too was erect. Jack walked over to Adam, and slowly and seductively said:
"lets get started..."
Both boys smiled and looked into eachothers eyes.
Jack moved closer to Adam, crouching to his level before...
m/20yo bisexual

Will do anything except: family, permanent, shit, excruciating pain/injury , vandalism, and anything in daytime public.

Please pm me any dares, preferably extreme, public and night-time, oh, and please ensure they have a high probability of causing me to be seen/caught!
If you defeat my "beyond extreme" challenge then i will reward you very well!
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