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Old 10-18-2008, 07:00 PM   #10
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 39

Yeah, it really is hot for some reason!
You should write a story about that! I guess, you have your first two readers right here.

If you allow further questions...
-I wonder, is it more arousing, if you do it with two teddies at a time?
-Let's say you are so horny that rubbing it over your body is enough.. do you get naked or is even just putting it under your shirt enough to get you going?
-Or what if you win a huge teddy at a fun fair? Would it turn you on, carrying it around, thinking of what you might do with it when back at home?
-I read about girls using a strap-on dildo on a big teddy bear, would that be an option for you, too?

Mhh, here it is 4am now... I'll go to bed, but with a nice and hot fantasy!
Read you tomorrow.
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