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Old 02-24-2013, 03:25 PM   #3
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I sat in silence, watching my friend prepare the soup. The chains clanked every time she took a step, and she had to plan her movements in order to perform the necessary tasks with cuffed hands.

"May! Get us a couple beers," her stepfather commanded her. She stopped stirring the soup and went to the fridge, taking out a few cans. I could tell she was trying to avoid facing us, and it was obvious she was blushing when she had to turn towards the table. She put the cans down in front of both of us. Her stepfather glared at her.

"Come on girl. Open them."

She opened both the cans, and her father took a big swig. I stared at the can, not sure of what to do. Despite the fact that I was too young to drink, I obviously couldn't lift a can, cuffed as I was.

"Do I have to tell you everything? Use your head! Help him!" She walked around the table, and began to try to senselessly fiddle with my cuffs. "No! Feed it to him. Unbelievable." She understood, and picked up the can. For a moment I could smell her; a hint of shampoo- but then I tasted the beer. I'd never had beer before, and couldn't stand the taste. She kept pouring it in my mouth, and I don't think she realized I needed a chance to breathe.

My problem was solved, however, when her stepfather reached around and gave her ass a huge slap. She jumped, grunting into her gag, and the beer spilled all over me. I took a deep breath.

"What the fuck, May?" her stepfather exploded, "You just spilled all over our guest. That's, like- that's the rudest thing I've ever seen. Unbelievable. Go stir the soup." She hurried back to the soup, eager to be away from me dressed as she was.

"You have to excuse my step daughter. She's unbelievably clumsy. But she'll learn."

"It's alright," I said. He turned on me. "That's two," he said.

He stood up abruptly, and wandered over to a drawer. Pulling it open, he pulled out some scissors. May turned to face him, but he shook his head, and she nervously went back to stirring the soup.

He reached down and pulled out one of the cheeks of her panties, swiftly cutting off a chunk. When it slapped back to her ass, a round piece was missing, exposing a round circle of butt cheek. She moaned in humiliation, and visibly slumped her shoulders. He repeated the procedure with the other cheek, and put the scissors back in the drawer, smiling to himself. May momentarily clenched her butt, trying in vain to hide her shame.

He sat back down next to me, and looked at me with that weird grin again.

"What I'm sure May has told you is that I'm not her real father. We've never liked each other- never even pretended. Her mother was an angel- totally worth putting up with this girl's bullshit for. But now her mother's gone. And what am I stuck with?" He picked up a spoon and threw it at May's back, "This slut here."

He sat back in his chair and reclaimed his beer, "That said, she does retain some of the 'finer qualities' of her mother, and seeing her running around as she does- it doesn't help the grieving process, does it?"

He clapped his hands. "But don't worry. I'm heading out. Leaving all this bullshit behind. Gonna start over," he glanced at his stepdaughter's increasingly exposed ass and gave a sharp laugh, "Just gonna enjoy what's mine before I go. You just picked the wrong night to come snooping."

May poured the soup in the bowl, and placed it in front of me. Learning from last time, she picked up the spoon and gently placed some in my mouth, her eyes full of apology. It was good soup. We were both wary her father was going to swat her again, and he definitely looked like he wanted to- but instead he stopped her.

"No no, not like that. Sit on his lap. Show him how good service can be."

She sat down sideways on my lap, awkwardly in the spilled beer, and carefully guided a spoonful of soup from the table, over her legs, and into my mouth. It took a while, but she fed me about half the bowl before her stepfather got bored.

"Wait seriously? He's not gettin' hard from this?" her stepfather blurted out. I understood his plan, but with all of my concern, I hadn't even been thinking about the eroticism of the situation.

"Isn't she hot enough for you? You a homo or something?" he jeered at us, "Unbelievable. Stay right there. I'm gonna take a smoke."

And leaving his half naked stepdaughter on my lap, he went out onto the porch.
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