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Old 02-24-2013, 12:46 AM   #13
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It's really frustrating when you're not sure where you should take a story...


Part 7

Entering the hallway put Katey's nerves on edge again. The hall was empty but it wasn't quiet. In the distance around a corner they could hear some students talking. Katey backed up in trepidation causing Jen to walk into her ass and grab at her bare waist. Katey hopped away nervously, then hearing the voices again cuddled up beside Jen in the archway of the door. Jen smiled an apology and Katey shook her head, trying to shake away her anxiety.

They stood and listened to the voices for a few seconds but they weren't getting louder. That was reassuring. The students weren't walking; they seemed to be huddled together talking about class. Probably the class the of them were trying to avoid a few minuted earlier.

Jen tapped Katey on the shoulder and pointed down the hallway toward the voices. Katey peeked out half expecting someone to be walking toward them, but saw no one. Instead she squinted to read the sign on the door Jen was pointing at. It read "MAINTENANCE". This was it. They were behind the gym.

Jen held three fingers up in front of Katey's face. Then two. Then one.

Jen ran out of the alcove, dragging Katey behind her down the hall. They passed the entrance to the boys locker room and were soon standing in front of the maintenance door. Jen threw herself at the handle but it didn't budge. She shook it in frustration with both hands as the cheeky sweater again slid down over her chest.

Covering her breasts with one arm and grabbing Katey with the other she ran further down the hall. Katey's heart beat faster as they neared the corner, the voices becoming increasingly louder before Jen lunged at a new door. Katey followed her in to the girl's locker room.

The door opened to a small corridor that led from the hall to the gymnasium. On the left there was a washroom that was mostly open to the corridor. Farther ahead on the right was the door to the actual locker room.

"There's another way in there from the gym, inside the equipment room," Jen looked back at Katey as they walked toward the gymnasium door.

They were nearly at the door when the bell rang.

They stopped. This was what they were dreading. They heard a whistle from inside the gym followed by voices and feet running toward them. Jen turned to run back from where they came but there was no time, the far door was opening too!

Katey lunged at the next closest door to them: the locker room.

Despite the name there were few lockers inside. There was a small bench in the middle of the room and lots of clothes strewn about the floor.

Katey looked longingly at the clothes, pulling Jen into the room behind her. She let go of Jen's hand and bent over scooping up an armful of clothing. She didn't care what she had grabbed. The feel of the varying types of material as she held it against her soft skin was so gratifying.

Jen tore the garments out of Katey's arms and threw them across the room. She grabbed Katey and pulled her into the showers just as the locker room door opened behind them.

The showers weren't exactly private. There was a large break in the wall on the right side of the locker room that opened directly to the shower room. There were technically stalls but they consisted of little more than dividers that hung off the wall separating each shower, only reaching a little more than a foot away from the wall; it was more about defining space than providing privacy. Standing in the middle of the locker room you could see the entire back wall of showers.

Jen pulled Katey around the corner into the first stall. If anyone came in to the shower room they would easily be seen, but they were at least hidden from the changing area while being close enough to survey it. The stall wasn't very wide though. Jen swung around so her back was against the divider closest to the entrance, but her left arm and shoulder weren't protected. Katey leaned her naked back against the other divider, shielded from view. The two of them stood and caught their breath after being seconds away from being caught themselves.

"Hey, where are my clothes?"

"Yeah, not cool guys."

"I see your pants over there."

"Where's my top?"

"I didn't touch your stuff."

"Maybe Danielle was searching for tampons again!"

"Guys! That's not funny..."

Katey realized why stealing those clothes would've been a bad idea. At least in that moment. They would have been trapped in with all these girls. Anyone truly missing anything would surely start looking for it. Getting caught in the locker room wearing someone else's clothing would get them in way more trouble than being found there without any clothes, even if the latter was somewhat less desirable.

She looked across at Jen who had her head cocked to the side listening to the disembodied voices talk about everything and nothing. The sweater was still halfway down her body bunched up at her waist, her wonderfully perky breasts rising and falling under her heavy breathing. Her skirt was resting diagonally off of one hip showing off part of the V that ran down her pelvis.

Katey walked over to Jen and leaned into her. She placed her hands on Jen's hips and stared into her eyes for a moment, taking Jen off guard, before peeking her head around the divider.

Trying to stay concealed and at her extreme angle she could only see the front corner (relative to the showers) of the change room opposite them. She could see around a half dozen girls changing out of their gym clothes - an odd mix of training bras and push ups, princess panties and thongs were present. It looked like these girls were from a lower grade. At most a few years younger than them.

Katey ducked back behind the corner and pulled at Jen's hips moving her off the divider, shifting her to the left so her back was against the shower room wall.

"They could see you there." Katey whispered, her hands still resting on Jen's hips.

"Oh. Thanks." Jen replied.

"...I'm so sorry Jen."

Jen shrugged, a concerned look on her face.

"I'm sorry what you've gone through. Sneaking through the halls. Getting covered in mop water. Cleaning my pee..." Katey looked away in disgust as she said it. "...and then... humping your leg." Jen smirked at that comment.

Jen reached out and hugged her new friend, their bare chests meeting once more. But the hug was instantly made far more awkward, and not only due to the contact of their nipples. Jen had one leg crossed in front of the other. Katey was still very wet from her study hall sexploration. Jen drawing Katey into her caused Jen's leg to part Katey's, pulling a wet pussy up onto her thigh.

Jen's arms wrapped around Katey, Katey's hands moving behind her waist, but Jen stopped when she felt Katey's wetness press into her. Katey looked up ready to apologize for yet another embarrassing situation but Jen didn't look embarrassed. It was more of a knowing look; a naughtier look. They stood there a moment, contemplating their next move with a room full of half-naked schoolgirls around the corner.

Jen slid her hands down Katey's exposed back until they sat on the top of her round bottom. Jen leaned into the wall and started to pull Katey forward, her wetness gliding further up her thigh, Katey being forced onto the tips of her toes. Then a cold wetness rained over them.

Jen had backed into the push button for the shower. Water was now sprinkling over their shoulders and smacking against the tile. Acting fast, Jen leaned forward and threw her hands up to cover the shower head, trying to minimize the noise. Katey lost her balance with Jen flailing about. She grabbed Jen's skirt as she fell which offered no support and moved easily down her legs. Katey dropped to the floor, her ass hitting with a loud thwack as she landed partly under the stream of water.

The room of girls had broken into laughter as this happened. Katey quickly ignored the pain in her backside and the water hitting her midsection as her eyes darted toward the break in the wall, fearing she had been caught. Instead she saw a strange sight; the girls who had been in the corner before had moved away leaving only one girl there and she was making a proper fool out of herself. She had gym shorts on her head pulled down over her face, socks shoved into her training bra/undershirt, was giving her a dual-wedgie pulling the sides of her panties up far past her bellybutton, all while jumping from leg to leg doing some kind of insane dance. Some girls were encouraging her while others flung weak insults, all of them laughing hysterically. Katey watched for a few seconds before getting enough sense to move out of sight.

The water had been hitting Katey in spurts. She rubbed her sore bum as she got to her feet and noticed immediately that Jen was now naked, her back still against the wall. She had taken off the sweater and was holding it precariously against the shower head above her trying to stem the flow of water. The push buttons in the shower room were on timers that lasted for a few minutes and Jen knew that letting the water hit the tile unabated would draw attention from the other room. But it's not easy to stop water from flowing by hand.

Katey stood in front of Jen and raised her arms, helping to push Jen's hands and the sweater against the shower head. With both of them holding it in place all that could be heard was a gentle hiss from between their fingers as the water trickled its way past them and into the sweater. It ran down both of their arms and over their bodies at a steady rate, but it was virtually silent.

"Sorry." Jen whispered to Katey, a frown on her face in response to that hard fall.

"I'm okay." Katey said, wincing slightly. Her pelvis rotated while she flexed her now tender glutes and thighs.

Their eyes met again. They had managed to discover a new form of discomfort with their arms raised above their heads, standing inches away from each others naked body, staring each other in the face. Streams of hot water ran over their shoulders, around their breasts, down their stomachs and between their thighs, tickling their skin as it warmed their bodies. While holding the sweater above them they were effectively trapped in this position.

Jen began to grin. That turned into a smile, which became muffled laughter.

"What?" Katey smiled at Jen's bemusement.

"We're hopelessly ridiculous aren't we?" Jen whispered, looking down.

Katey chuckled, "I wouldn't say hopeless."

Jen pursed her lips to contain her laughter. There were a few seconds of silence between them, private thoughts, as the caress of the water served as a soothing distraction from what had turned into a crazy afternoon.

" you like me?"

Jen asked the question hesitantly and cautiously. Katey knew what she meant and suddenly felt more than just physically vulnerable in that moment. Everything had been mostly innocent so far, at least in that they were only victims of their environment. Katey knew she felt something towards Jen, but she had never felt this way about a boy before let alone a girl. Did she actually like girls? Like, like-like? Maybe she just liked THIS girl. That would be okay, right? Could she admit that? But what if Jen didn't feel the same way? Maybe this was a test. Maybe Jen was worried that she was feeling something that wasn't there. But Katey had felt sparks. She was sure. Was she over-thinking again? Was she taking too long to answer?

Katey looked up to see Jen shaking her head. She was also mouthing something over and over. "No." But she was looking at something else. Katey had to twist her body sideways - exposing both her and Jen - since her arms were blocking the periphery of her vision. In the middle of the shower stood a girl holding a Disney princess beach towel around her body. She had a mostly blank expression on her face as she glanced between the wet, naked, oddly postured teenagers that stood before her and the changing room of girls just past them.

It was a standoff. Katey and Jen stared this girl down vehemently pleading with their eyes and mouths while water streamed down their nude bodies. The girl appeared to be sizing them up and weighing her options.
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