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Old 02-22-2013, 11:37 AM   #3
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Aaaaand I'm back.

I forgot to mention, I was also lucky and got 1 for having to walk 5 mins to a secluded spot.

So I got to the wooded area down a hill from a path, I found a spot under a tree next to a river that goes through the wood and hid the padlock key.

I walked for about 5 minutes and found a good spot. I took the bag with my clothing option out the rucksack, and then took off my clothes and put them in the rucksack. I then very nervously locked the bag with the padlock.

Standing there naked I was fairly happy to find I had picked the bag with shorts. I put them on and headed back to the key.

Once I got to the key, I looked at my challenges. I wasn't so lucky this time. I got stand naked for one minute with my eyes closed and go back to the start point and come back.

I got the stand naked one over and done with and then went back and then came back again.

I opened the bag with the key and put my clothes back on and headed back. All in all it wasn't really that bad.

I should be able to do something tomorrow, so may try it again, or if anyone has got another dare along the same theme, please let me know.
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