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Old 02-16-2013, 11:23 AM   #5
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I'm having a lot of fun with this. But I'm trying to keep the length up. (obligatory "That's what she said" )


Part 3

"Katey, it's Jen. Open up."

Katey's heart jumped. Her eyes snapped open in excitement. Stepping off the toilet, she swung open the door and lunged at her rescuer, throwing her arms and legs around Jen in a hug that brought them both tumbling to the floor.

"Jen I'm so glad you're here! I was afraid you weren't coming back! Those girls were horrible! One of them just saw me!" Katey's head was buried in Jen's bust, an experience made all the more comforting by that gray sweater. When Katey looked up she noticed Jen was blushing.

"You're a lot friendlier than I remember you..." Jen said with a coy smile.

Katey regained her composure enough to remember that she was still very much naked and now laying on top of another girl.

Swallowing a new lump of embarrassment as her face turned beat red, she picked herself up off of Jen. In her ascent she saw that Jen's skirt had bunched up around her waist and that her pink panties were now a paler fleshy color. It took a moment before she realized she wasn't looking at Jen's underwear.

"Where are your panties!" Katey exclaimed, almost forgetting to cover her own naked body. She observed Jen's neatly trimmed pubic hair above an otherwise smooth mound.

"I needed them for a distraction," Jen said adjusting her skirt sheepishly before standing.

"I was... wait a sec." Jen grabbed Katey by the arm and pulled her back into the stall. "This is probably safer. After last time," she said. Katey nodded, fully covering herself once more.

"So I was trying to sneak in to the janitor's closet but I could hear someone inside. I waited for a few minutes, but they weren't coming out. So I took off my panties placed them on a door handle of another room and banged on the janitor's door. I ducked around the corner and after a few seconds he came out, noticed my panties, and left to investigate! It was great! I was like a spy!"

Jen sounded proud of herself. Katey was only partially listening. The other part of her was thinking about Jen's naked mound beneath her skirt. It looked so much different than her own... fuller.

Using the hand covering her crotch, Katey absentmindedly rubbed her palm into where Jen's pubic hair would be as a finger casually passed her lips. She had managed to work herself up into quite a state crouching naked in that stall for so long. Even the briefest of displays by Jen was quickly stirring her insides again as she paired the sight of Jen's sex with the smell of her panties earlier.

"...then I dumped everything into a washing machine, squeezed in a bottle of detergent, turned it on and ran! I got back here pretty quick but I was waiting for those girls to leave."

"So they did leave? One of them saw me..."

"They took their time, but yeah. They talked in the hall for a bit, then left."

"Okay. So what's the plan now?" Katey asked. "I'm not any less naked," she said looking down at herself, "And I don't feel like hiding in here for the rest of the day!"

"Well what about your..." Jen looked over at the vent. "Oh."

"Yeah, they managed to tear my tube top in half."

"So where's the other half?" Jen asked.

"Down the toilet."

"Really? They flushed it?"

"They were going to just pee on it, but... yeah."

"I'm sorry Katey. We can probably still get the rest of it though." Jen was trying to be encouraging.

"But how?"

"Well I could try to hold you up on my shoulders," Jen thought aloud. "You're a bit smaller than me. Once you get up I bet I could hold you. Long enough for you to get it down anyhow."

"I guess..." Katey wasn't impressed by this plan and not only because Jen wasn't any larger than her, although she was better toned. Nothing else had gone right today. It seemed like this plan was only going to fail like everything else.

Jen opened the stall door and stood under the vent looking up. She then turned around so her back faced the wall.

"Here's the plan," she started. "You step into my hands and I'll lift you as high as I can. It looks like there's a bit of a ledge below the vent. If you can grab it you can use it climb onto my shoulders. Then the rest should be easy!"

Katey slowly walked out in front of Jen and looked up. It didn't seem very safe but she was getting used to following Jen's lead. Besides, a plan was better than no plan.

"Okay. But don't drop me." Katey walked forward. With one hand still covering her sex, she freed her small breasts and placed a hand on Jen's shoulder. Jen leaned forward with her hands clasped awaiting a foot, her eyes glancing between two pointing nipples.

"Quit looking." Katey huffed, placing her forearm back across her chest, her nipples just as hard as ever.

"Sorry, but it's sort of hard not to. You're standing right in front of me!"

Katey tried to step into Jen's hands but couldn't balance herself without the use of her arms. She reluctantly let go of her crotch this time and placed it on Jen's bare shoulder. Jen felt the wetness on Katey's hand but didn't say anything. She was clearly aroused but had either grown accustomed to it or was too distracted right now to notice.

Katey hopped a few times before bouncing up into Jen's arms. As she was adjusting her legs trying to balance herself on Jen's hands her pelvis was bumping against Jen's face. Katey gasped and bent at the waist to separate their contact after Jen's nose poked Katey's currently sensitive clit. This threw them off balance. Jen backed up into the wall to regain her footing, causing Katey to flatten against it and grind her pussy into Jen's face yet again. They rested there, Katey straining to hug the wall for support, Jen sniffing Katey's wetness both against her face and on her shoulder, before Jen heaved upward. Katey nearly missed her moment, but caught the ledge in time and pulled herself up onto Jen's shoulders.

Jen was right. While standing on her shoulders with a steadying hand on the ledge Katey was easily able to free the remains of her top from its rusty noose.

"I got it!" Katey yelled! She tossed the garment to the floor.

"Good," Jen replied, staring up into the nearly dripping slit between Katey's thighs. "Now come down."

Katey hadn't thought of this part. This could be trickier. She was no cheerleader.

She lifted one foot expecting to find a hovering hand for her to rest it on, but the juices Katey had unwittingly deposited on Jen's opposite shoulder caused her other foot to slip!

The ledge was of little help to her now; she could steady herself with it, but not hold herself up. As Katey began to fall her feet slipped inside the open neck of the sweater. Her legs slipping inside the fabric trapped her against her companion and Katey's naked body slid down Jen's bare torso at some speed. Her arms were flailing along the wall searching for something to grasp. Jen slapped her hands down on the back of Katey's legs as they appeared out the bottom of the sweater. As Katey's back met the neckline of the garment the sweater strained as it tried to support her weight before moving further up her back. Katey's arms swung around and behind Jen's neck. Katey felt hands sliding up the backs of her legs as Jen pulled her in, trying to slow the fall. Just after her butt popped out of the bottom of the sweater, Jen's hands squeezed in on the inside of her thighs, her fingers finding their resting place against Katey's crotch; on either side of her wet lips.

Neither of them moved. Jen held onto Katey and Katey onto Jen as they shared the same sweater. Their chests heaved to and fro from the sudden exertion and rush of adrenaline pushing their breasts into each other. With her butt pulled apart by two palms, fingers resting against the parted lips of her pussy, Katey's legs had moved outward, her knees squeezing the outside of Jen's legs while her arms were wrapped firmly behind Jen's head. Both of them panted into the other's neck trying to catch their breath.

Katey was the first to adjust herself and felt warmth shoot through her. Jen was pulling Katey's pelvis into her skirt, and between the silky fabric resting against her clit and Jen's fingers pressing up into her labia, Katey's every movement was a source of pleasure. With the position they were in and with all of the thoughts that had been racing through her mind the past hour, Katey's body was begging for stimulation.

The entire fall had been brief, only seconds really, but it and the moments after had been very intense. Katey unlocked her arms and slid them from around Jen's neck tucking them inside the sweater. Her elbows brushed past the outside of Jen's boobs as Katey planted a hand on each shoulder. Supporting herself, she pushed her head and chest off of Jen as far as the sweater would let her. Their faces were given only inches of space to look at one another.

"Hi," Jen whispered, blushing.

"...Thank you," Katey eventually muttered, "for catching me." She struggled to look Jen in the eye. Her freckled skin was flush from her face right down to her stomach.

Jen moved one of her hands - with a sharp audible gasp from Katey in response - and sliding it over Katey's butt placed it on the small of her back, allowing Katey to lower a leg down onto the tile. After another movement, and another gasp, Katey had both feet on the ground again with her hands resting just above Jen's chest. Jen then lifted the front of the sweater up behind Katey which allowed her to wriggle free.

They looked at each other briefly before Katey turned and took a few small steps away, quickly pushing down a hard nipple with one hand and trying to calm her red, wet, wanting pussy with the palm of the other. This was all so strange to her. Naked in a washroom embracing someone who she barely knew early that day. Katey couldn't lie to herself; she liked it. Her mind was overstimulated and her body incredibly horny. But it was still very weird.

Jen meanwhile chewed her bottom lip, running her tongue along the flesh between her teeth. Some of her fingers felt wet and she brought a hand up to her face to inspect them. The tips of two of her fingers glistened with Katey's juices in the bright washroom lighting. She dropped her hand, bit her lip harder, and looked down only to find a wet spot on the front of her skirt. Confused, she lifted its hem and inspected her own vagina with a free hand, wondering if she too was getting turned on. When she realized the spot was from Katey and that she was now rubbing her friend's juices into her own sex, she pulled her skirt down and put a hand to her mouth. With her fingers pressing against her face she unintentionally took in Katey's scent again.

Like before, neither of them moved. They just stood for a moment giving each other uncertain glances.

The creak of the washroom door broke their awkward silence and alerted them to the situation. Katey grabbed the tube top from the floor as Jen ran back into the stall. Katey was about to follow her in but detoured into the stall beside her at the last moment. Someone finding two girls in a stall together might bring questions she didn't want to answer.

Closing the stall door, Katey quickly opened the stretched and tattered loop of fabric in her hand.

"This might fit Jen better." As Katey thought this she saw Jen's hand appear from under the other stall holding her gray sweater.

Katey knelt down and stuck her own arm under the stall wall to pass the former tube top over to Jen before taking her sweater back.

"Hide from this, bitch!"

Only two words had time to run through Katey's head: "Oh no."
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