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Old 02-14-2013, 01:49 PM   #4
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Thanks! I was worried I might be getting a little too wordy. I'm not sure if I can keep my posts consistently long, but for now we shall press on!


Part 2

Katey pleaded with her eyes but there wasn't much Jen could do without alerting the others to her presence.

"See you later," Jen said to the girls, but looking at Katey.

"Get fucked." An obscene finger was the only other acknowledgement of Jen's exit.

"ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod," repeated Katey under her breath.

Now Katey was REALLY trapped! She might have had trouble trusting Jen at first, but she was terrified to be alone with these other girls. Her legs trembled and she covered her pussy; she felt like the entire school was now somehow aware of her nakedness. She couldn't be seen like this!

"Well then get down!" she told herself.

Still standing on the toilet, she lowered herself down from the top of the stall and squatted on the seat until hidden from view. While holding her vagina, her free hand roamed across her body in some desperate attempt to find even a shred of clothing on her somewhere. Feeling nothing but soft bare skin, this only heightened Katey's anxiety. As her arm moved over her chest she found two very hard nipples poking out into the air. Katey barely noticed, turning her attention instead to the strangers only a few feet away.

The girls were clearly horrible people. Katey could hear what sounded like them lighting a cigarette which she confirmed by the acrid smell that followed. They never stopped talking, badmouthing other friends, spreading rumours, just being all around shitty teenagers.

Crazy thoughts started wandering through Katey's head. What would they do if they found her? They might beat her up. Maybe they'd just take pictures. Would they call their friends in to gawk? Or would they march her through the halls on some makeshift leash? Or maybe they would force her down to the floor and tease her body. Or worse...

Katey's pussy was warm again. The more embarrassing the scenario that she ran through her head, the warmer she got. She knew she didn't want any of that to happen to her, but the thought of it, the idea - of being caught and humiliated - thrilled her, causing her skin to tingle and cheeks to blush.

When she found her fingers had began idly tracing the inside of her labia she grew concerned.

"I like this. I really like this... Is there something wrong with me?"

It was then she started to question how long Jen had been gone. It felt like only seconds and hours all at once. She had to sneak into the janitor's room, but how long could that possibly take? Had she gotten stopped in the hall? Had she just left her there for good?

Katey's overactive imagination was interrupted by a "Hey, look!"

She gasped. Tucking her legs closer to her chest, while not removing her hand from between them, Katey closed her eyes and refused to believe that she had been spotted.

"Dumb-bitch forgot something."

"Mine!" Another girl shouted.

"Eve, you have tons of shoes. These aren't even that nice."

Jen apparently had left Katey's shoes behind. Katey was least concerned about her shoes though. She just didn't want them to look up.

"I don't care. I called them. That's that!"

"Seriously Eve, you're obsessed. Dozens of little Chinese children have died trying to satisfy your want for shoes!"

Two of the girls laughed. Katey guessed that Eve didn't find the comment funny.

"Well I want something too. Maybe she left something else behind!"

Katey's breath halted, her fingers finally stopping their movement between her legs. Were they going to search the stalls?

"Hey, what's that there?"

Katey closed her eyes.

"Something must be wrong with her. You think she was throwing her clothing around in here?"

She peaked through her eyelashes expecting the stall door to be open with three heads poking in. But the girls weren't at her stall. They had noticed her tube top. Katey's heart sank.

"It's pretty high up."

"Boost me!" exclaimed someone.

Katey began to bite her lip. That was the only piece of clothing she had left. She wanted to see what they were doing, or at least if they would be able to reach it. The ceiling was pretty high. She didn't want to expose herself though.

She stood up ever so slightly on her toilet seat. The top half of the washroom was now visible to her. She couldn't see the girls but she could see her tube top. The middle of it looked to be caught on some kind of hook. Maybe a broken nail or screw. Part of it was also being gently sucked against the wall by the vent.

An arm shot into view for a split second. And again. Katey ducked out of sight for fear of being spotted.

"GAWD. Not like that, like this."

As the sound of tearing fabric filled the room a few seconds later, all Katey could do was continue biting her lip.

"Yeah!" someone yelled.

She shook her head. This wasn't happening.

"That's no good. You only got half of it!"

"It ripped! Not my fault!"

"This looks like the top half."

"Good," Katey thought to herself bitterly. "Maybe I can still get the bottom half..." But the bottom was mostly just frilly fabric. She didn't know if it would serve much use as clothing, but at least it was something. Katey hoped that they would ignore the top half now that they had claimed a trophy.

"Hey Mandy.... piss on it!"

"HA! That'd be hilarious, but I already went."

"...don't look at me, I went before her!"

"Ugh. Fine. Then flush it or something. I don't want a ripped top."

Katey could hear someone enter the stall next to her followed by a light splash and the flush of a toilet.

The girls exchanged some quick jokes, congratulating themselves on how awesome they were, and soon left the washroom.

Katey slowly peaked over the top of the stall again. She was alone.

Looking down into the adjacent stall Katey had almost hoped to find her top floating in the toilet, having willed itself to not be flushed. But she wasn't that lucky. She looked over at the bottom half still attached to the wall and wondered how she could get it down. If Jen had in fact left her, she would need to gain every shred of modesty she could find in order to make her escape. She struggled to think of ideas. She didn't have a change of clothes in her locker. There was a lost-and-found but it was in the main office. She wasn't sure what else to do.

And there she was, standing on the toilet, looking out over the washroom as Mandy walked back in.

Katey dropped down as fast as she could, almost falling off of her perch. Was she seen?

"Hey, some bitch was hiding in here listening to us!" Mandy shouted to someone, leaving the washroom again.

Her heart racing, blood boiling, Katey waited for her impending doom. In any moment she was sure to be drug out of the stall by her feet, into the hallway and tossed into a classroom. She waited for an embarrassment so great that she could never walk into the school again. And she kept waiting. But nothing happened.

After a minute she was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the door open again. She quickly held that breath and listened for any sign of who might be entering.

A loud knock on her stall door caused Katey to squeak in fear. She thought of saying "occupied" but didn't want to confirm her presence, even if the girls already knew. She just closed her eyes and squeezed her breasts again, pressing her stiff nipples into her chest.

This was it. She'd been discovered.

Last edited by uzaho; 02-14-2013 at 11:16 PM. Reason: grammar
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