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Old 09-27-2008, 08:59 AM   #7
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'ooooooooooo we have guests' immediatley dan noticed the plural. 'WHAT thats against the rules'
' dont worry dan boy ur staying here change into these tho' he opened his draw and pulled out some old blue and red speedos immediatley a throbbing erection grew again. they were very small for dans tall thin body but he was hard none the less.

Jason went up the stairs opened the door and two voices could be heard one was instantly Todd he was very good friends with both jason and dan but would often get involved in their fights, the other was unknown but he knew it was a girl. 'sit down dear friends its time to enjoy remember therules no telling'

'dan get here now' dan slithered up the stairss and the moment he saw them his dick pulsed hard with anticipation. Todd sat there in just bike pants that were skin tight and next to him was a girl dan had seen when oliver took a pic of her stripping on webcam she was sitting there in a pink laced bra and shorts, he turned to see jason in speedos also but were slightly bigger.
Dan was so hard that the speedos in the front had stretched out they applauded 'this will be fun' nat spoke she stood and went over to dan.

she kissed him hard and moved her hands down his back to his tight speedos before she dragged them down his hard dick shooting out like a gun. she giggled grabbed it and played with it for a moment before sitting back down...

hey its 2am at night and i need 2 sleep so ill do more later night
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