Thread: Fiction: By Way of an Apology
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Old 02-04-2013, 05:56 AM   #3
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Default Chapter Two

Chapter two

For the next five or so minutes Jack continued to shower, totally unaware that behind him, albeit out of view, Brett was alternating between taken pictures and recording videos. As Jack reached to turn of the shower, Brett quietly slid the door shut. With a hint of regret, due to how nice the shower was, Jack switched it off and grabbed the towel that had been left for him. He spent the next couple of minutes drying off, after reaching the point of dryness suitable for re-dressing he realised that Brett had forgotten to leave him some clothes to borrow. ‘Brett could you chuck me those clothes you were going to lend me’ he shouted. ‘Come through to my bedroom, I’ve got them in here’ came the reply. So Jack wrapped the towel around his body and started to walk across the landing to Brett’s bedroom. He was slightly annoyed at the fact that Brett was going to see him covered only by a towel, he wasn’t the most confident of all people and despite having a fairly athletic body was slightly self-conscious of the way he looked. As he walked into the bedroom Brett was sat at his desk examining something on his computer. ‘Hey come and have a look at this’ Brett said ushering Jack over to the screen. Holding the towel tightly, Jack half walked half waddled over to the screen. Brett appeared to be watching a youtube video, ‘look at this twat, he’s got no idea what-so-ever that he’s being filmed’ Brett laughed. Jack leaned in to watch the video; it appeared to be a guy taking a shower. At first he thought nothing of it, but after a few seconds of viewing it dawned on him that the guy in the video, completely naked… on youtube… for everybody to see… was infact himself.

Jack looked up at Brett in shock ‘what the bloody hell do you think you’re doing, you videoed me while I was in the shower, what’s wrong with you?’ Brett had an evil smirk that reached across his face ‘I thought I’d teach you a lesson for being a little prick last week, did you really think I was going to let you get away with it?’ he sneered. Feelings of hatred and loathing filled Jack’s mind at the realisation that this whole day had been a complete fake, all part of an evil plot to get revenge. ‘Please remove the video’ Jack said as calmly as he could. Brett simply laughed at him ‘If you want this video removed, you’re going to have to do something for me’. ‘Anything, please’ Jack stammered.

Brett abruptly stood up, in one swift movement he ripped the towel from Jack’s grasp and knocked him to the floor. Instinctively Jack thrashed out his arms to cover his dick, however this rendered him unable to stop the fall and he hit the floor with a bang. Brett stood above him laughing ‘Okay, so here’s the deal, if you co-operate and do as you’re told then I’ll remove the video. Don’t do as you’re told and it remains on the internet for all to see – the choice is yours.’ Jack remained on the floor; he really didn’t like the idea of doing what Brett wanted, but on the other hand he definitely didn’t want the video to be left online. ‘Fine, I’ll do what you say’ stammered Jack, defeated and angry, ‘but please, give me some clothes to wear first’. Brett chuckled evilly ‘I hoped you say that’, he walked over to his chest-of-drawers and pulled an item of clothing out of the top drawer. ‘Here you go, you can start by putting this on’ he said flinging the item of clothing at Jack. He looked up in sheer disbelief, lying on the floor in front of him was a lacy black thong. ‘You don’t expect me to wear that, surely?’ he murmured in disbelief. ‘You were the one that wanted to get dressed, you either put on what I give you or you remain naked’ Brett said bluntly. ‘I’m not wearing it’ Jack said, in a voice that he hoped resembled stubbornness. ‘Fine by me’ Brett replied ‘But if you don’t put it on, then the video will remain on youtube… Oh and I’ve also got quite a few nice close-up pictures of you that I think people at school would love to see.’

Jack was beaten. He had no choice. There was no way he was going to let videos or pictures get out around school, and so in defeat he grabbed the thong and pulled it up over his groin. ‘Good boy’ Brett sneered ‘now get up and go and stand in the centre of the room’. Jack slowly stood up, and cautiously walked over the middle of the bedroom. ‘Now put your hands down by your side and face the computer’. Jack turned 90 degrees to face the desk. ‘Good, now stand still while I get your next item of clothing.’ Brett re-opened the top draw and pulled out a lacy black bra ‘here you go, it’s part of the same set’ he said, throwing it across the room at Jack’s feet. Jack was completely mortified, he turned to face Brett and pleaded ‘please, surely you’ve embarrassed me enough, I’ve learnt my lesson’. ‘You know the rules Jack, you don’t have to wear the bra, but if you don’t, the video will remain online and I will send these pictures out.’ Jack had a sickening feeling in his gut, he bent down and grabbed the bra. His hands were shaking and it took him several minutes to fasten it around his chest. ‘Good boy, that wasn’t so hard now was it?’ Brett patronised ‘Now face the computer and put your arms down by your side’.

‘Okay, one last thing for you to wear’ Brett said opening one of the drawers to his wardrobe. Jack turned in shock; Brett had removed a skimpy corset-like dress. ‘Here you go’ Brett said, throwing it at the floor beneath Jack’s feet. Jack didn’t even bother to argue, he knew the response he’d get. It took him almost five minutes to don the dress; this was in part due to the fact that he had no idea how to go about putting it on. After what felt like an age, Jack managed to zip the back of the dress up. The dress was a dark, almost blood red; it had a slit running down the centre meaning that the bra was on show. It was also extremely short, not even reaching his knees. ‘You look like a right little slut’ chuckled Brett ‘Now as before, put your hands by your side and turn to face the computer.’ Jack did as requested and after a few minutes turned back to face Brett, ‘There I’ve done everything you wanted, now please remove the video and let me go home’ demanded Jack. ‘Yep fair enough, I’m not one to break promises.’ Brett sat at his desk and removed the video.

After watching Brett delete the video from youtube, Jack began to undress. ‘What d’you think you’re doing?’ Brett asked in an angry tone. ‘I’m going to take this rubbish off, get my stuff and go home, you’re a bastard’ replied Jack. ‘Before you do that you might want to take a look at this’ Brett said pointing at the screen. Jack halted and looked up at the screen, he could not believe what he was seeing. ‘How the… what the… how the hell did you get those up there’ Jack panicked. Brett pointed to the top of his computer where a small webcam sat, ‘you didn’t notice this did you?’ Brett laughed. It suddenly dawned on Jack why he had been made to stand in the centre and face the computer, this whole time it had been recording him. Disbelief spread across Jack’s face. ’And d’you know what’s so great about the little show you just performed for me, every time you bent down to get the next bit of clothing, the camera got a great view of your arse !’ Brett said triumphantly.

Mortified, disgusted and angry, Jack stood frozen. ‘You know what this means don’t you, I’ve now got
enough material to blackmail you with for the rest of the summer; so you’re going to be spending your holiday doing exactly as I please’.


Last edited by Bidz4321; 02-04-2013 at 02:18 PM.
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