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Old 01-30-2013, 05:14 PM   #98
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Posts: 262

After watching the recent ordeals of the others, my excitement had now turned to fear of what was to come. Would my task be as embarrassing, as difficult, as humiliating as the others. At least I wasn't doing it alone though. I looked across to Lucy, her face was emotionless, unable to read, giving nothing away. I wasn't quite sure what to make of Lucy. From the outside she appeared so innocent, cute, timid. But the first task we did together suggested the exact opposite, she was hot, sexy, outgoing and magnificent.

Her eyes gazed casually in my direction and we both smiled trough the silence. The appearance suggested nothing of nerves or worry, almost a casual approach to the whole thing. As we turned onto the street, I saw Casey's and worry immediately spread through my body. Lucy on the other hand seemed to grin with excitement.

The sign read 'Casey's. Tattoos, piercings and body treatment.' We slowly entered and as Lisa asked for Casey a smiling woman appeared around the corner, I'd guess middle thirties but with the energy and drive of a twenty year old. Immediately my body relaxed in her presence. 'Hi there, are you the group Rachel sent.' We nodded. 'So, which two of you are hear for treatment.' Me and Lucy stepped forward. 'OK girls, Rachel has told me to give you both 1 of 2 choices, She either wants you to get a nipple pierced, or a full body wax.' Its up to you.

Lucy spoke up immediately, 'I've always wanted a piercing so definitely that.' I on the other hand asked for the full body waxing. I'd had my ears pierced but never dreamed of more than that. 'Lets start with Lucy then as that will be fairly quick. She took Lucy into a room, there was a small squeal and within 5 minutes she'd returned.

'Lets see then' Hannah spoke up. Willingly She raised her top to show her newly pierced nipple which clearly looked sore but which she seemed quite proud of. Next it was my turn however and although I shaved I'd never waxed my hair.

I followed Casey into another room. 'Don't just stand there, get them off.' Immediately my face went the colour of the devil as slowly I stripped down completely leaving myself completely naked with someone I'd only just met. Casey eyed my body over whilst whistling. 'Wow, someone is very sexy, I'm sorry to hurt that beautiful body.' This only made my face go a deeper shade of red. Slowly I went over to the bed as Casey applied strips to my legs and mound. 'Sorry but this is going to hurt.' riiiiiiiipppppppppppp.

I screamed as the first strip left my leg.....

4 years later.......

I stared down the body in the full length mirror in the bathroom, the shaved pubic region as it had been kept since that day. I looked deep into the eyes that stared back. The person swayed as if they were about to pass out, the eyes looked deserted. Almost unrecognizable as myself. The shower helped and as the steaming hot water passed over my body I felt someone enter behind me. The smooth loving touch of the hand told me it was Lisa.

'Morning babe' I whispered gently as I felt her hand slide slowly down my body. My pussy started its tingling as her arm stretched round my body pulling me closer, her lips caressing the skin on my neck. My hangover and ill feelings evaporated with the steam.

'Morning, you do realize that Rach is going to make us pay for this don't you.' I nodded, but there was nothing to do about it now, just savouring the moment, slowly I turned to face her and our lips locked together, the water running over our bodies. Whatever Rachel did to us, it wouldn't matter as long as Lisa was their beside me...

What will Rachel do?
Whats in stall during a week of slavery?
How will initiation conclude?

Keep reading to find out
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