Thread: John's Slavery
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Old 09-19-2008, 11:42 AM   #10
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Part Four

Any suggestions or feedback is more than welcome.

You guys ready for more?


John was scared. It was time to find out what his new life is going to be like.

"yes, I'm ready."

"Good, now bitch, time to take off that blindfold."

She grabbed it and yanked it off his head. He opened his eyes and everything was extremely bright. It was almost impossible to see the hot girl in front of him. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed just how amazing her boobs looked. He had never hooked up with a girl nearly as hot as this one, she was one of a kind.

Marie walked over to her computer, which was on the other side of the room and opened up a word document. She printed it out.

"What's that?" John asked

"Your rules, slave."

"What? How do you have my rules already typed up?"

"What a fucking stupid slave, can't you see? This has been planned all along. I wanted a slave, and I knew you were looking for a master because a friend told me. She helped plan this all out with me, I won't tell you who yet, but don't worry, shes gonna use you eventually. Now read these rules you piece of shit, and learn how you should act. Memorize them, because when you break them, you aren't going to like it.

She handed him the paper. It was long, but John began to read it.

1. Address me as master at all times. Remember, you are nothing but my little sex toy. You can never fucking forget that.
2. I'm aware you live with your parents, but when I want you to sleep over, you will. If i want to keep you for a week, I will. You better get damn good at lying to them. I'm 18 and live without my parents, so my house is always open for loud sex.
3. If I tell you to do something, do it. Doesnt matter where you are, or what you are doing, I come first.
4. I pick your outfits for now on whenever you are with me. I'll be keeping you naked alot.
5. When you are not with me, you must constantly be wearing a thong that I pick out under your boxers. If i ever see you in or outta school, don't think I'll hesitate to make sure you are wearing it. I don't want you fucking too many girls while I control you.
6. You will live in a room I designated for you. It is the master bedroom, and has a gigantic jacuzzi. All the windows have locks and the doors lock from the inside out, so i keep you in there at all times. If you are in there, you obey ANYONE who tells you to do anything.
7. You will be taking any drugs we tell you too. This includes but is not limited to viagara, Pot, alcohol, and even E if you are a bad boy. No questions and you take only the dose we tell you to, no more, no less.

John was amazed, this girl was taking this far, and he was sure now she wasnt joking. He read on further:

Just a few things you should know, John. First off, theres girls who sleep over here every now and then. They will all know about you, but no one else will. And they WILL pay to use you sometimes, and I charge alot, so you better be good. If I hear ANY complaints, both me and the girl you offended get to do whatever we want to you.

Also, I have parties every now and then. We are just too damn lazy to get our own beers, so your sole purpose at parties will be to fuck whomever we want you to, and fetch beers and roll joints and shit. You are just our little party slave now.

John didn't know how to even react. He read it over again just to make sure he was remembering everything right. This was too good to be true. He was going to be a slave. There was no way out of this.

"Ok... I understand the rules. What do you want me to do now, master."

"Well, we are gonna make sure right now that you don't break those rules. So lets get started on taking some of those pictures. Do and wear exactly what i say. No excuses, or you'll see how I punish you."

"Ok master, I'm ready. Use me"

"You are catching on." she smiled "Now, put get your pants, and take out my panties. Put them on, and lets begin the photoshoot."
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