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Old 09-16-2008, 09:58 AM   #1
Baby Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default The Most Daring Dice Game Ever (Guys Only)

Me and a friend made this game up. You have to be pretty daring to follow through with it, 'cause the both of us had a chance of loosing our balls (and I got mine mashed up pretty bad), so I'd really say not to do this unless you're suicidal.

You first pick a task to do, we chose to walk down to the local park and back.

Then you roll dice to see what you wear.

1-2 = Shoes and socks on
3 = Shoes on, socks off
4 = Shoes off, socks on
5-6 = bare foot

1-2 = shirt on
3-4 = shirt off
5 = shirt off and add 1 to your next roll
6 = shirt off and add 2 to your next roll

1 = pants and underpants on
2 = pants on, underpants off
3 = pants off, underpants on
4 = pants and underpants off
5 = roll again. 1-3 is the same as 4, 4-6 is the same as 6
6 = pants and underpants off and hands behind back
7 = pants and underpants off and hands behind back and other players can kick you in the balls as much as the want for 1 hour
8 = pants and underpants off and hands behind back and roll again

FOURTH ROLL (only if you get 8 on THIRD ROLL)
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =

I don't remember exactly what we got, but I ended up completely naked with 7 as my 3rd number, so he bashed me to hell and back. He ended up naked too but ended up with a 6 on his last one, then we both had to walk to the park and back after the hour of torment on my half.

If any guys are daring enough to do this let me know!

Last edited by Bandit|Queen; 09-16-2008 at 10:41 AM.
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