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Old 12-10-2012, 11:35 PM   #66
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

(Oh I have ideas for both paths, I just like a couple of ideas for one in particular is all)

Kelsey can feel the wet sweat pants slide down her legs. She can feel as her legs become bare to the world around her. The pants are around her ankles in moments, and Kelsey begins to lose balance.

All at once, Kelsey is panicking about multiple things. She worries about dropping the box. She worries about losing her pants. She worries about her panties being shown off. She worries about someone seeing her. She is worried about getting in trouble.

It’s all too much, so when Kelsey realizes she can’t keep standing up right, and everything goes dark for her.

In what seems like moments later, Kelsey is waking up. She opens her eyes, and sees she isn’t in the hall any longer.

Looking down, she sees a thin white blanket over her. She’s in a small room, lying on some type of cot. Finally things are catching up to her and she is realizing that she is in the school nurse’s office.

She lifts her head a bit, and feels a bit of a bump on her head. It doesn’t seem bad though. That’s when a girl walks in.

“Oh, you’re awake!” The girl says excitedly as she sits in a chair next to the bed. The girl immediately sees Kelsey holding her head. “The nurse said that there is nothing to worry about with the bump! She says you were actually out cold for some other reason probably!

So although Kelsey was knocked out and had fallen, it was probably more likely that the stress of the situation caused Kelsey to go unconscious, rather than any serious injury.

Those few moments of relieved were blown away though. Kelsey remembered the state she was in when she was falling, pants around her ankles. She quickly moved her hands down to her body, as if worried they were still pulled down. That would be silly.

Yet as she inspected her body, she discovered some of her clothing was missing!

The girl could see the panic in Kelsey’s eyes and chimed in, “Oh yeah, those. You see…”

A) “I’m not the strongest, so when I had to carry you here, your pants sort of slipped off. I was just going to go look for them before you woke up.”

B) “Oh, well I had taken your shirt off when I got you here. It was really wet, and I didn’t want you catching a cold or something! Getting it dried now!”
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