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Old 11-30-2012, 06:36 PM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Posts: 113

I've used this in a precious dare but it fits this situation as well.. So you are going to strip completely naked in the middle of the day in your house with all curtains and doors open.. Next you will put change (at lesst five coins) in your pussy using duct tape to keep it in there.. then insert a large plug using toothpaste as lube into your ass.. Finally get dressed in only a skirt and sports bra and shoes of your choice.. Once this is done you will go to a store of your choice.. Enter their bathroom.. Quickly and forcefully rip off the duct tape and masturbate to edge.. Then take the coins out of your vagina and buy something with them.. Go home and take off your bra in the car if driving.. Walk into your house topless.. Once inside (curtains and doors still open) take off your skirt and masturbate.. Edge for about five minutes.. Tear out your plug.. And orgasm.. Once you come down from this you can close all the curtains and doors still naked.. Pm me your results and post them in this thread so everyone can read it
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