Thread: Role Play
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Old 11-20-2012, 01:37 AM   #397
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 37

In the game area David and Carrie are cuff to together by the ankle cuffs one is one cuff is on David right ankle and the other cuff is on Carrie left ankle and are attach together by a chain. They are stand in front of a sexual obstacle course. Carrie asks " when what will happen to us if the obstacle hit us?" David then said " I do not know, but we can just stand we will have to try and do the best we can." Carrie nodded her head they then ran it to the sexual obstacle course. the first obstacles was toilet paper sheets on a poles that move up and down and as they try to make it through the the toilet paper the toilet paper sheet end up rubbing David cock causing it to get bigger and harder. When they got to the end of it wrist cuffs were put on them one cuff on David right wrist and the other one on Carrie left wrist that was attached together by a chain.

The second obstacles were rope with arousal gel on they to walk through and most of the rope managed to hit Carrie's Pussy make her very arousal. When they got end of the second obstacles another ankle cuff was put on them. one on David's left ankle and the other one on Carrie's
right ankle which make it hard for they were face each other now. Carrie then asked " What is the last obstacles?" David said "It is butt balls." They then walk on through the butt balls one string of them want up David's butt and the other string of butt balls want up Carrie's butt .

They were then pulled out very fast which made them both scream cause which made Carrie's Pussy wetter and notice the her juice run down her leg which his cock get bigger and head close to touching Carrie's Pussy they reach the end of the last obstacle another wrist cuffs was put on the them one on David's left wrist and the other one was put on Carrie right wrist. David open his mouth to sat something when the room suddenly shot blue colored pills in his mouth. David then say aloud " Oh no those will this hard." Carrie then ask "Why do you say that?" Just as she said that she felt something go inside her Pussy. She looks down see that it is David cock. She then says "What are we going to do?" David then said we will just to keep moving for those pills will make it happen anyways, but will try to keep from cumming in as long as I can." Carrie nodded her head they then move to the door that was behind with each step Carrie took it make it hard for do to keep from cumming inside Carrie. Carrie could see the strain that it was cause David, but they continue on down the hallway toward the stairs

Now in the the Mall Jessica was surround by the four guy with no where to run. The guys start to laugh for they knew she was trapped. two of the guys walk up grabbed her arms so she would be able to fight them. the third guy start to rub her breast on top of the vibrator which cause her to let out a little moan the fourth guy start rubbing her alreay wet pussy make it even wetter which cause her to moan again. Jessica just hope the they didn't to her sex with her, but she knew that there was no way she could stop them

Now back in the game area Carrie and David had just reach the stairs David then said " not.... to....cum...." They knew that they had go upstairs they they walk up the stair and just as they reach the top David could no longer hold the cum back anymore he end up cumming inside Carrie's pussy. David then. said " Sorry Carrie just could not hold it back any longer." Carrie is to shocked to say anything for her is still think about what just happen to her. Just as she think that they then push the door open saw that light was still on in the living walk down the hallway cuff together as they were. and hope that Lauren had the keys to unlock the cuffs

Pi I was getting bored he saw that Jess, frog, and Nikki were have fun with each other. he then notice Melissa sitting naked near Mary-beth you still had clothes on. He walk over toward Melissa when he reach her he start rubbing her her breast her cause her to Moan which start making her pussy wet again. Pi then pull Melissa legs apart and start fingering her wet pussy. Which made made Melissa moan more for she was really start to enjoy it.

Last edited by djsnila28; 11-22-2012 at 08:20 PM.
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