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Old 09-27-2012, 05:43 AM   #9
SarahYoung's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 35

Like suggested, here are 3 new types, the mediums!

Girl Medium
Boy Medium
Crossdresser Medium

What to wear?
Girl Medium: Heels, a skirt, a thong, your sexiest bra, a shirt, jacket
Boy Medium: To small shoes, loose pants, loose underwear, shirt, smallest jacket
Crossdresser Medium: Female shoes, tight jeans, Thong, bra, Female top, large jacket, lipgloss, a bracelet, Jacket

Dare in front/ Walking to station
Girl Medium:
1) Flash your thong outside 3 times
2) Flash your boobs outside 3 times
Boy Medium
1) put your underwear and pants under your balls, leave it for 30 seconds
2) Put your pants and underwear as low as possible, now try to hold it there without using your hands. If they fall, bad luck! leave it there until you see the ride coming
Crossdresser Medium
1) Open your jacket until you enter the ride, make sure your bra is visible as well
2) Give yourself a wedgie and leave your thong over your jacket

At the station
Girl Medium
1) Take off your underwear and hold it in your hand
2) Take off your bra and hold it in your hand
Boy Medium:
1) Masturbate but don’t cum, when you see other people around don’t stop,
2) Ask 1 person if (s)he likes your nipples, show them when you ask
Crossdresser Medium:
1) paint your nails any colour you like
2) Take your shirt off, and use it to stuff your bra

During the ride:
Girl Medium
- Secluded place: Lift your skirt, take of your jacket and lift your shirt, sit for 1 minute
- Semi-public place: Masturbate for 1 minute
- Public place: Take off your jacket and make your skirt a mini skirt
Boy Medium:
- Secluded place: Take off your pants and your underwear, walk for at least 10 steps
- Semi-Public place: Take off your pants and your underwear, stay for 30 seconds
- Public place: Put your hand on your cock and leave it there until you reach destination
Crossdresser Medium:
- Secluded place: Take off your pants for 5 minutes
- Semi-Public place: Take your jacket off and start dancing wild for 1 minute
- Public place: Open your jacket until your bra is just a little visible

Getting off/ Destination
Girl Medium:
When your wearing no bra: take off your jacket and leave it off until you reach your destination. When your wearing no underwear: Scratch your butt 3 times and your pussy 2 times, lift your skirt for the scratch.
Boy Medium:
Lower your pants and your underwear under your butt so that it shows, leave it until your reach the destination.
Crossdresser Medium:
Walk outside without wearing your jacket or without wearing your shirt and a open jacket

Report back!
Report back how it went and maybe tell others on this site about this dare!
Likes: public, humiliation, dress up
Dislikes: dirty, pain, photo's or camming
Limits: illigal, friends/family

This are my large creative dares, check them out!:
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The ultimate public-transportation dare!
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The A team
Newbies: Find out your Likes and Dislikes
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