Thread: Fiction: My Sister's Friends
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Old 08-30-2012, 07:33 PM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 81

Wow guys, thanks for giving my story over 8,000 views in just two weeks. I'm honored. I'm curious about the demographic I'm reaching with this story. It appears from the comments that I'm reaching mostly submissive/switch straight males, which makes sense given the subject matter. But I would be very interested to know if there is anyone out there who is enjoying this story and does not fit this profile. Obviously I'm very grateful to all my readers who appreciate my work, but I would like to know if this story has any transcendental quality. So females, gays, and dominant straight males make yourselves heard! Critical feedback is welcome; It will make me a better writer in the future. Praise is also welcome; It makes me happy. Back to the story...

Chapter 14

The girls were standing in a line in front of me. Some held their hands behind their backs, others at their sides. Marie didn't notice me at first. I was hidden behind the girls and she was distracted by the lineup of her friends in various states of undress. She started with the obvious question, "Lindsay, why are you naked?"

All Lindsay could say was "oh my god" as she flung her hands from behind her back to cover her breasts and vagina. Lindsay hunched forward into an awkward, embarrassed position.

Before anyone could offer explanation, Marie noticed my foot tied to the couch, sticking out past the line of girls. "What's behind you?" Marie asked her friends. Without a word, the girls separated betraying my bound and naked body to my sister. I struggled to slip out of my restraints to no avail.

Marie looked shocked. "Holy shit," she exclaimed, "seriously, what is going on?"

There was a long, awkward period of silence. Then Marie said, "Fuck Pat, when did you grow a dick?" The girls laughed as I was reminded again that I was the baby in the room. My face burned with the embarrassment of being a helpless joke for my sister and her friends.

Without warning, Marie walked up to the couch and sat on my chest, knocking the air from my lungs and making it difficult to breathe. She gave my balls a firm slap causing a sharp pain to shoot into my lower abdomen. Lindsay let out a gasp. "Care to explain yourself?" Marie asked me.

With Marie's weight still on my chest, I choked out the words, "truth or dare."

"Oh, so this is a dare is it?" Marie said as she stood up. Marie left the room, commanding her friends, "don't untie him yet." When she returned she had a permanent marker.

"Hold still," Marie instructed me as she uncapped the marker. She held me in place with the weight of her body as she wrote "LOSER" down the length of my torso. The girls started laughing at me again. I was so embarrassed but my dick remained as stiff as ever. Marie took a few steps back as she pulled her phone from her shorts.

"Don't, don't!" I pleaded as Marie took pictures of me at my most vulnerable. The girls continued to laugh as I pulled more violently to free myself. "These will come in handy," remarked Marie.
Read my story: My Sister's Friends
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