Thread: Fiction: Stephanie and Ashley
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Old 08-21-2012, 05:28 AM   #1
JanR 266
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: NSW Australia
Posts: 79
Default Stephanie and Ashley

Ive never publically shown off a Story ive written before. Please be gentle

This is in the 18+ Section because if this goes anywere, i plan to have some occassional harshness. And since Rape seems to qualify, this definitely needs to be in this section for those not so common potential sections. There will regularly be various forms of torture, increasing in magnitude with time. I dont want to jump in too deep too often, thatd be too unrealistic.
Also, none of this is formatted because i write it in notepad. Ive just done some basic bold and underline.



This is the story, of a girl named Stephanie.
Stephanie is a 21 year old College Student, and works part time at a Fast Food Store.
Stephanie is a reasonably attractive girl. Shes slender, cleanly, and polite.
She is going for a Major in Accounting.
In her mundane life of mundane learning and mundane learning, studying, and getting by, she had a few other things going on.
One of those things, was her sister, Laura. And her ability to binge-spend all her money, and end up conveniently visiting Stephanie when she couldnt afford her rent.
Another of those things, was her own struggling to pay for things like rent. Clothes. Food. Bills.

And last but not least, her unorthodox relationship with a former neighbour.
This relationship had cultivated for years.
Basically, Stephanie met Ashley one day, and they chatted from either side of their fences.
It wasnt long before the two got to know each other fairly well.
And it wasnt long before Stephanie confided some particular interests to Ashley, who confided that she found that interesting.
Without wanting to go into too much detail at this early stage, Ashley gladly calls Stephanie hers to do with as she pleases, and she does that often.


Chapter 1:
Direct and Specific

Stephanie opened her eyes, in the early hours. She was already dressed, and knew she needed to go to work soon.
She had slept better than she had been over the last few days. She was under a bit of pressure, to get things done to a tight schedule. It wasnt anything she wasnt used to, but anyone whos had to meet a close deadline knows that youre either so far ahead it doesnt matter, or youre trying to cram it all into completion.
She rubbed her eyes, and checked her phone for messages.
One of her friends had invited her to a small social gathering in the afternoon. But Stephanie wouldnt have time. She had some other plans.
Stephanie had a quick drink, and took some time to check the news, and look over some of her files. She had to get going soon, but she didnt really have anything else better to do.

A few minutes later, the latch clicked, and the hinges whined, and the box opened. Ashley gave Stephanie a small kiss on the cheek.
"Good Morning! You have to get going soon. You should really get up." Ashley said, in her situationally cute voice.
Stephanie dragger herself up, and stretched herself out.
"Youre going to wear THOSE shoes? Really?" Ashley said.
"Theyre new. Is there something wrong with them?" Stephanie asked.
"Yes, there is. They look stupid. How much did they cost?" Ashley asked back.
"Twenty dollars. I think they look n..." Stephanie started, before she was cut off. "They do look nice, they just dont look nice on you. I might keep them. Thats ok with you, isnt it?"
Stephanie took off her shoes, and placed them on the floor.
Ashley walked out of the room for a minute, and came back with a pair of ordinary shoes, and a belt. She dumped the shoes at Stephanies feet, and stood back.
As Stephanie was putting the shoes on, she looked at the belt. "I have to go to work today. Please dont hit my face." She said.
Ashley smiled, and replied, "Youre not trying to tell me what to do, are you?"
"No. Im not." Stephanie replied shyly.
Ashley slowly stood up, and walked over to Stephanie. She was sitting on the floor, putting her second shoe on. Ashley unbuttoned Stephanies shirt, explosing her otherwise unclothed body.
"Dont worry. I wont." Ashely said, gently brushing her fingertips over Stephanies ribs, and belly.

About ten minutes had passed. The front door opened, and Stephanie crawled, shirtless, outside. Her lower torso was covered in welts and bruises. She was still a bit winded.
It was the middle of the day, and the middle of winter. Ashley threw Stephanies shirt outside, and closed the door.
She snatched it up, and pulled it over her head, buttoning as fast as her shaking hands could. She forced herself to stand up, and leaned against the wall to breathe for a second. She had to get to work, she might be a couple of minutes late as it is. She put on a calm face, and walked out onto the sidewalk, and begun walking to work.
She had to be back by 3pm to do some chores around the house, and anything else Ashley wanted from her today, which hopefully wouldnt be another beating. But she would be lieing if she said she didnt love every second of it. And Ashley could be nice.


How am i doing so far?
I write these sorts of things for myself all the time. This is the first time i have ever shown any of it to anyone else. I just thought, given how much i enjoyed reading some of the Stories here, id put one of mine in here, and see if im as bad at this as i think i am
But i guess i never know. If this is interesting to some other people ill write more!
General Abuse, Discipline, Menial Chores, Extremely Uncomfortable Positions, Extreme Discomfort, Pain, Verbal Abuse, Light Bondage, Semi-Public, Long Cornertime, Body Writing, Tedious Cleaning, Spanking, Edging (If done in a creative way)

Photos, Purposely Involving Others, Full Public, Permenant, Animals
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