Thread: 100 Questions
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:06 PM   #42
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: California
Posts: 4

1. Had sex? Yes, many times, but I've been in a bit of dry spell the past month or so
2. Bought Condoms? Yes, can never be too careful
3. Gotten somebody Pregnant? Yes, a few years ago. My ex had a miscarriage though
4. Failed A Class? No
5. Kissed A Boy? Sorta? Not by choice though. I was at a new year's eve party and it had just struck midnight, I kissed this girl and turned around and this guy ran over, grabbed my head and kissed me.
6. Kissed A Girl? Yes
7. Used A Little Paper Bag for Lunch? No, when I took lunch to school as a kid I had a kickass lunchbox with matching thermos.
8. Had A Job? Since I was 16
9. Slipped On Ice? Only when I was ice skating
10. Missed The School Bus? No, never took it
11. Fucked a girl? Exclusively
12. Bullied Someone On The Internet? Never
13. Sexted? Multiple times, one time even in church, that was bad on many levels I'm sure
14. Had Sex In Public? Yes, very fun and exciting. I've got a great story about Las Vegas, and being caught. Maybe some will be lucky enough to hear this story
15. Played On A Sports Team? Through college, then blew my knee out.
16. Smoked Weed? Never
17. Smoked Cigarettes. One once, to impress a girl. It worked but still didn't like it
18. Smoked A Cigar? Occasionally
19. Drank Alcohol? Too much at times
20. Watched porn? Again, too much at times
21. Skipped class? A few times in college
22. Gotten Arrested? Never, probably my biggest fear is to do time
23. Done meth? Nope, never have never will
24. Been To A Wedding? Many, although it does suck when your friends ask when you'll be getting married and you really have no plans in the immediate future to do so.
25. Fell in love with a bestfriend? I did, we dated for a bit but decided it best we remain just friends
26. Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? Sometimes yea, but I try not to
27. Watched TV For 5 Hours Straight? I did just today! I got the flu and had to be in bed all day so I watched a marathon of Breaking Bad on Netflix
28. Been Late For Work? I have, never too badly though
29. Been Late For School? Oh yea, I hated 7:30 classes
30. Kissed In The Rain? Rain, Fog, Snow, almost any sort of precipitation
31. Showered With Someone Else? Not as much fun as I thought it would be
32. Failed My Drivers Test? Nope
33. Cheated on a ex? Never, but been cheated on
34. Been Outside My Home Country? Nope, not yet at least...
35. Been On A Road Trip Longer Than 5 Hours? Oh yea, brutal...
36. Had Lice? No, I remember when I was in the second grade something like 16 of the 21 kids in my class had it one day. I was held out of school for a couple days by my mom
37. Gotten My Heart Broken? Oh yea...
38. Had A Credit Card? Yes, at times too many
39. Been To A Professional Sports Game? Many, I must say I prefer being home for them now though
40. Broken A Bone? No, luckily
41. Have I Ever Sent Someone To The Hospital? Yes, accident while playing soccer. I felt terrible about it
42. Won A Trophy? Many
43. Cut Myself? Not on purpose
44. Had An STD? No
45. Got Engaged? Once, obviously (and luckily) it didn't last
46. Done ecstasy? Never
47. Tried Out To Be On A TV Show? Never tried out, been an extra on a few though
48. Rode In A Taxi? Yes, the ones in New York make me wish I would've walked though...
49. Been To Prom? Yes
50. Played A Drinking Game? Too many, yet I'm always down for more. The beer pong tournaments I had with friends were a blast
51. Stayed Up For 24 Hours Or More? Oh yea
52. Been To A Concert? Many
53. Had A Three-Some? Once, I'd be down to do it again
54. Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex? A crush? Yes. Sexual or anything? No More like a deep admiration for someone
55. Been In A Car Accident? Slight one, a car backed into my passenger side door, dented the hell out of it but nothing big
56. Had Braces? No
57. Learned Another Language? Not really, stupid American ego. I really should though
58. Killed An Animal? I ran over a squirrel once by accident. I swear though it was him or me...
59. Been At A Yard Sale? A couple, not really my thing though. Why can't they have yardsales that start at noon.
60. Been To A Japanese Steakhouse? Delicious
61. Wore Make Up? Once for a halloween costume
62. Talked To Someone Via Webcam? Yes, I really hate business trips
63. Lost My Virginity Before I Was 16? No, I was a late bloomer
64. Had My Wisdom Teeth Taken Out? Yes, only 2 though
65. Kissed Someone A Different Race Than Myself? Of course. My roster is varied
66. Snuck Out Of The House? Didn't have to. My parents were very cool, they let me do my thing as long as I didn't drive drunk or miss school
67. Bought Porn? Yes, but not recently, its all so accessible online now
68. Had A Virus On My Computer? I think everyone has at some point if it's connected to the internet
69. Had Oral Sex? Yes given and received. Never really had someone good go down on me though...
70. Dyed My Hair? Sadly yes, when I was younger NSYNC was big and so were frosted tips...God I hope my future kids don't see those pics
71. Gone Skinny Dipping? Oh yea...a couple good stories there
72. Graduated From College? Yes, although not using my degree at all for my career
73. Wore Someone else’s Clothes? One time a friend and I swapped pants at a club, his pants looked better with my shirt and vice versa
74. Voted In A Presidential Election? Every one sine I was 18
75. Rode In An Ambulance? No, I probably should've a few times though
76. Rode In A Helicopter? Not yet, isn't that sad?
77. Caught The Stove On Fire? Once, I didn't know the flash point of butter...kind of funny story looking back on it
78. Got In A Verbal Fight? Of course, if you haven't then you're lying
79. Met Someone Famous? Multiple, for the most part pretty chill but the worst was Beyonce, she was kind of a bitch
80. Been On Vacation? Yearly since I can remember. Can't wait for my next one
82. Been On A Boat? Yes, but never on a cruise, that's the next on my bucket list
81. Been On An Airplane? Many, I fly out tomorrow actually
83. Broken Something Expensive? Define expensive... I accidentally dropped my plasma down the stairs while moving a few years ago...
84. Had Surgery? Only minor, wisdom teeth, stitches etc.
85. Been In Love? Oh yea...some I didn't think I'd get over
86. Beat A Video Game? Many, I'm a guy...and I like to finish what I start
87. Found Something Valuable On The Ground? I found a diamond ring once, I turned it into the security office, never heard back
88. Made A Survey? Never made one no
89. Stalked Someone On A Social Network? Gotta love facebook...
90. Prank Called Someone? No, never got into that
92. Spent Over $100 Shopping In One Day? Add a couple zeroes on to that and I'd still say yes...
91. Been To A Library Outside Of School? Yea, not recently though, it's been a few years
93. Cut My Hair And Hated It? Haha yes! One time I got my hair cut, it was so bad and unsalvageable I shaved my head and let it grow back.
94. Peed Outside? Many times, some out of fun, others because I had to
95. Went Fishing? Not in about 20 years sadly. My great uncle would take me, sadly he passed when I was 9
96. Helped With Charity? Did and still do. I try to do it a few times a year
97. Taken A Pregnancy Test? Me? No, but i've had ex's do it. Scariest few minutes
98. Been Rejected By A Crush? Oh yea, multiple times...ouch
99. Been Suspended From School? No, I was a good boy. Was being the key word
100. Broken a mirror? Yea, once on accident, once on purpose
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